Part 1 - Where the magic happens§


Introduction to CSS§


What have we done to change the style of the page?§

We have used this special HTML element: link.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style1.css">

The link element enables us to "include" other files in our web page.

Here, we have included a Stylesheet writen in CSS that gives instructions to change the look of the page.


What is CSS?§


Let's see how CSS works!§


What is a CSS rule?§

A CSS rule includes is composed of two main elements: a selector, and a set of properties.

   color: green;
   font-size: 20px;

For example, this CSS rule means that all the em elements of your web page will be displayed in green and the size of the text will be 20px.


Want to see more examples?§

If you want to have a look at what can be done with CSS, pay a visit to CSS Zen Garden website

On this website, you can see the same web page with many different styles. It is impressive!