Bâtiment Blaise
Pascal, Département Informatique
INSA, 20 avenue A.
Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex
Tel : +33 (0)4 72 43
89 83
e-mail : anne.tchounikine@insa-lyon.fr
Prosopographical Databases EUROPANGE, ANR (French National Research Agency) and Ecole Française de Rome’s five-year program LEM-CERCOR (Saint-Etienne), TEMOS (Angers), TELEMME (Aix en Provence), CEMMM (Nîmes), LIRIS (Lyon), École Française de Rome (Italie), MTA BTK (Hongrie), Université de Naples (Italie), Université de Salerne (Italie), Université de Bergame (Italie), Université de Moncton (Canada).
The EUROPANGE project, involving both medievalists and computer scientists, aims to study the emer-gence of a corps of administrators in the Angevin
controlled territories in the XIII–XV centuries. Our project attempts to analyze the officers’ careers, shared relation networks and strategies based
on the study of individual biographies.
Our contribution hinges on 3 elements:
a collaborative application for the capture and rendering of the data in the form of proso-pographical pages made up of the consolidated, enhanced, structured and formatted data([12])
an analytics application to build and survey multi-criteria populations,
a prosopographical database used by the above applications.
All these elements make up the software suite Prosopange which is presently deployed on the French CNRS TGIR Huma-Num site.
Real-time data warehouses and OLAP
Multidimensional models and Spatial OLAP
This work is part of the Corila project
Multidimensional models for complex data (functionnal and temporal versions, multimedia)
Data warehouses on grid
This work is part of the GGM project (ACI masse de données)
Enseignements en 3, 4 et 5 ième année de
département informatique de l'INSA de Lyon et au master de
recherche MASTRIA.
Domaines d'enseignement :
Informatique décisionnelle
Système d'information :
développement d'applications, architecture des SI