Associate Professor HDR in computer science at INSA de Lyon
LIRIS lab, SICAL research group
My research lies at the confluence of computer science (Human-Computer Interaction) and cognitive science (Cognitive Modeling/User Modeling) and focuses on designing adaptive, engaging and supportive interactive systems.
More specifically, I focus on the design of novel interactive systems capable of adaptation to the context (mostly to users). My research mainly focuses on two complementary aspects: user modeling (human activity modelling and analysis on users’ engagement) and interaction with users (design of motivational affordances, plasticity and adaptive interactive systems).
I received my PHD in computer science from the University of Sherbrooke in Canada (at Domus Lab) and in cognitive science from INP Grenoble (at TIMC lab) in 2008. I then did a two-years postdoc at University of Grenoble (LIG, HCI research group).
Keywords HCI, behavior modeling & analysis, meaningful design, engagement, motivational affordances, gamification, adaptation, multi-devices environment
Domains Mostly Education & Health
- We are organizing a workshop EIAH 25 (GT Education et Apprentissage - GDR IHM)
- PhD defense of Anthony Basille - 6th of may 2025
- Co-chair of TEC @IHM'25
- HDR defense on "Supporting meaningful and adapted experience to foster motivation and sustained engagement" - 11th of december 2024
- We are organizing a workshop EIAH 21
- We are organizing the workshop GamLA@LAK21
- PhD defense of Stuart Hallifax on "Adaptive gamification of digital learning environments" - 18th of december 2020.
- Co-chair of workshops & workgroups @IHM'20-21