Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming
- Forewords of Pascal Van Hentenryck
- Chapter 2. Computational Complexity
- 2.1. Complexity of an algorithm
- 2.2. Complexity of a problem
- 2.3. Where the most difÞcult instances can be found
- 2.4. Solving NP-hard problems in practice
- Chapter 3. Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- 3.1. What is a constraint?
- 3.2. What is a constraint satisfaction problem?
- 3.3. Optimization problems related to CSPs
- 3.4. Examples
- 3.5. Discussion
- Chapter 4. Exact Approaches
- 4.1. Construction of a search tree
- 4.2. Constraint propagation
- 4.3. Ordering heuristics
- 4.4. From satisfaction to optimization problems
- 4.5. Discussion
- Chapter 5. Perturbative Heuristic Approaches
- 5.1. Genetic algorithms
- 5.2. Local search
- 5.3. Particle swarm optimization
- 5.4. Discussion
- Chapter 6. Constructive Heuristic Approaches
- 6.1. Greedy randomized approaches
- 6.2. Estimation of distribution algorithms
- 6.3. Ant colony optimization
- 6.4. Discussion
- Chapter 7. Constraint Programming Languages
- 7.1. Constraint logic programming
- 7.2. Constraint programming libraries
- 7.3. Constraint-based local search
- 7.4. Discussion
- Chapter 8. From Swarm Intelligence to Ant Colony Optimization
- 8.1. Complex systems and swarm intelligence
- 8.2. Searching for shortest paths by ant colonies
- 8.3. Ant system and the traveling salesman problem
- 8.4. Generic ACO framework
- Chapter 9. Intensification versus Diversification
- 9.1. ACO mechanisms for intensifying the search
- 9.2. ACO mechanisms for diversifying the search
- 9.3. Balancing intensification and diversification
- 9.4. Measures of diversification/intensification
- Chapter 10. Beyond Static Combinatorial Problems
- 10.1. Multi-objective problems
- 10.2. Dynamic optimization problems
- 10.3. Optimization problems over continuous domains
- Chapter 11. Implementation Issues
- 11.1. Data structures
- 11.2. Selection of a component with respect to probabilities
- 11.3. Implementation of a local search procedure
- 11.4. Computation of diversification/intensification measures
- Chapter 12. Sequencing Cars with ACO
- 12.1. A first pheromone structure for identifying good car sequences
- 12.2. A second pheromone structure for identifying critical cars
- 12.3. Combining the two pheromone structures
- 12.4. Experimental evaluation
- 12.5. Discussion
- Chapter 13. Subset Selection with ACO
- 13.1. Subset selection problems
- 13.2. Description of Ant-SSP
- 13.3. Instantiations of Ant-SSP with respect to two pheromone strategies
- 13.4. Instantiation of Ant-SSP to solve CSPs
- 13.5. Experimental results
- 13.6. Discussion
- Chapter 14. Integration of ACO in a CP Language
- 14.1. Framework for integrating ACO within a CP library
- 14.2. Illustration of ACO-CP on the car sequencing problem
- 14.3. Discussion