
Dr., Associate Professor (Maitre de Conferences), Habilitation (HDR)
Institute: INSA Lyon
Member of LIRIS Teams DM2L and Beagle
Member of INRIA Project-Team Beagle
INSA Lyon is an Engineering University with A-Level admission. Five-year curriculum: preparatory level (2 years), and Master’s degree (3 years) in 9 branches of engineering education. Each year, about 900 students obtain the INSA Lyon Engineer Degree. INSA Lyon offers also a doctoral programme within 8 Doctoral Schools.
LIRIS is a Research Center for Images and Intelligent Information Systems located in Lyon. About 330 members. Research keywords of the lab: “Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition”, “Geometry and modeling”, “Data Science”, “Services, Distributed Systems, and Security”, “Simulation, virtuality, and computational sciences” and “Interactions and cognition”.