author = {Zanota, Marie-Line and Gerardin, jonathan and BROSSARD, Camille and Gueth, Pierre and Lachambre, Joël and PITAULT, Isabelle and Lygeros, Nik and Philippe, Régis and BORNETTE, Frédéric and Coeurjolly, David and Becker, Jean-Marie and Solnon, Christine},
hal_id = {hal-01905354},
hal_version = {v1},
howpublished = {24ème Congrès Annuel de la SFT},
note = {Poster},
number = {A110},
pages = {1-8},
series = {Actes du congrès annuel de la Société
Française de Thermique. SFT2016},
title = {Topologie et conductivité effective des mousses: Application aux mousses métalliques dans un réacteur gaz/solide.},
url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01905354},
volume = {Tome 2},
year = {2016}