**Image processing, Computational Geometry and Geometry processing: Texture Synthesis project**
David Coeurjolly / Nicolas Bonneel
# Description
In many computer graphics applications, generating a complex, possibly
infinite, textures is a classical step to create visual content.

The texture can be generated either from an examplar (see refs below),
or from a procedural model (*e.g.* [Perlin
noise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perlin_noise)). In this project,
we ask you to create a 2D texture generator that outputs texture
images which are controlable by the user (either by an exampler or a
model) and seamless (we may want to generate textures with arbitrary
sizes). Obviously we will also evaluate the efficiency of the
generation (for instance for realtime usages).
Many existing works exist in computer graphics. We have just listed
important references below. All these alternatives have pros and
cons. We ask you to have a look to this literature and to come up with
a solution to this (open) texture synthesis problem. We will evaluate
the relevance of the solution, the technical contribution you have
made and the justification of the choices leading to this solution.
Do not hesitate to interact with us during your exploration.
# References
[#Galerne]: Galerne, B., Lagae, A., Lefebvre, S., & Drettakis, G. (2012). "Gabor noise by example". ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 31(4), 73.
[#Lefebrve]: Lefebvre, Sylvain, and Hugues Hoppe. "Parallel controllable texture synthesis." ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG). Vol. 24. No. 3. ACM, 2005.
[#Hertzmann]: Hertzmann, Aaron, et al. "Image analogies." Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques. ACM, 2001.
[#Liang]: Liang, Lin, et al. "Real-time texture synthesis by patch-based sampling." ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 20.3 (2001): 127-150.
[#Heitz]: Heitz, Eric, and Fabrice Neyret. "High-Performance By-Example Noise using a Histogram-Preserving Blending Operator." Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 1.2 (2018): 31.
# Deadlines / Technical details
* Binome must be announced (to David & Nicolas by email) by **March 15th**
* We expect from you
* A technical report discussing your choices, the pros and cons of your approach and a experimental validation.
* The source code (portable code, C / C++ / Python...)
* **Deadline for the project: 30 avril**