Computational Geometry: Digital Delaunay Triangulation and Applications§

author:David Coeurjolly

Digital Delaunay Triangulation§



local consistency of points

specific integer based structures

Let’s start with good news

… and the bad ones


Can we expect better bounds for Delaunay structure?

Digital Contour§

Delaunay triangulation from minimum spanning tree

Thm. [Devillers]

If the Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree of the input point set, the whole triangulation can be constructed in expected time O(n
\log^* n)

(\log^* n=\inf\{k;\log(k)n\leq 1\} hence for 16<n\leq 65532, \log^*
n=4, \log^* n= 5 for n<2^{65532})



Digital Contour (bis)§

Main observation


The polyline defined from digital contour points is a Delaunay spanning graph with maximal degree 2


Expected time for Delaunay construction for digital contour is in O(n \log^* n)

_images/delaunay-5.png _images/delaunay-10.png _images/delaunay-100.png

Digital Straight Segment Pattern§


For digital straight segment patterns, can we recover the Delaunay structure from arthimetic properties?

_images/motif-del.png _images/motif-voro.png

\Rightarrow Yes! [Roussillon, Lachaud]

Digital Points§


Main Result

Thm. [Chan]

O(n \sqrt{\log M}) expected randomized time for Delaunay Triangulation construction

Key Data Structure: Van Emde Boas Tree

Delaunay/Voronoi Applications: Reconstruction and Differential Estimators§

Surface Reconstruction§


Set S with n points sampling/approximating a smooth 2-manifold C can I reconstruct a discrete manifold M such that


Example of theorem statement If sample set S has good sampling properties
parametrized by \epsilon_0 (e.g. at least d_H(S,C)<
\epsilon_0), then for samplings with \epsilon<\epsilon_0 Algorithm A produces a discrete structure homeomorphic to C

Example: Power Crust Reconstruction [Amenta]§

Sampling Definition


S is an \epsilon-sampling of \partial C if S\subset\partial C and \forall x\in\partial C, \exists
p\in S such that d(p,x)< \epsilon\cdot lfs(x).

with lfs(x) being the local feature size at x: lfs(x)= d(x,MedialAxis(C))

Question what does d(p,x)< \epsilon \cdot lfs(x) mean?

Example: Power Crust Reconstruction [Amenta] (bis)§

Compute the Voronoi Diagram of S _images/crust1.png

Example: Power Crust Reconstruction [Amenta] (bis)§

Compute the Voronoi Diagram of S _images/crust1.png
Extract the poles and polar balls _images/crust2.png

pole of a sample s: pair of power diagram vertices farthest from s on either the inside or outside of the “object”.

Example: Power Crust Reconstruction [Amenta] (bis)§

Compute the Voronoi Diagram of S _images/crust1.png
Extract the poles and polar balls _images/crust2.png
Compute the Power Diagram of such poles _images/crust3.png

Example: Power Crust Reconstruction [Amenta] (bis)§

Compute the Voronoi Diagram of S _images/crust1.png
Extract the poles and construct _images/crust2.png
Compute the Power Diagram of such poles _images/crust3.png
Extract the power crust _images/crust4.png

Example: Power Crust Reconstruction [Amenta] (ter)§


  • Homotopy equivalence result for some \epsilon < \epsilon_0
  • Distance between power crust and C tends to 0 when \epsilon \rightarrow 0
_images/crustex.png _images/crustex2.png

Differential Estimation From the Voronoi Diagram§

Side-product of Power Crust


Direction (p_1,p_2) from poles p_1 and p_2 at a sample s is a convergent (w.r.t. \epsilon) estimation of the normal direction at s


Differential Estimation From the Voronoi Diagram§

…but very sensitive to noise or sampling conditions

keep in mind that in theorems, S samples C exactly


Alternative solutions: use Voronoi cell covariance matrix [Alliez]



Robust Voronoi-based curvature and feature estimation [Mérigot..]§


Covariance matrix is still a key tool but it is evaluated on r-offest of the input set



Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors of the covariance matrix at a point are related to principal curvature/principal curvature direction

Convergence results exist with Haussdorff hypothesis on the point set

Robust Voronoi-based curvature and feature estimation [Mérigot..]§

Robust tool for feature extraction


Point Sampling§

Context: Monte-Carlo Integration§



\int_{\Omega}f(\overline{\mathbf{x}}) \, d\overline{\mathbf{x}}


\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N f(\overline{\mathbf{x}}_i) _images/Pi_30K.png

Many fields

Sampling Quality Evaluation§

Variance in the Monte-Carlo Integration process (uniform sampling)

Spectral properties

Stochastic Approaches§

Uniform sampling

Jittered/Stratified sampling


Stochastic Approaches (bis)§

Poisson Disk


Deterministic Approaches§

Low discrepancy sequences Quasi-Monte-Carlo approaches


Tiled based approaches


Voronoi Diagram based Approaches: Llyod’s relaxation§

Description Iterative algorithm

Generate N points using uniform sampling
Compute its Voronoi diagram V

while (not(stability))
   For each cell
     Compute its centroid
     Move site to the centroid
_images/lloyd1.png _images/lloyd2.png _images/lloyd3.png _images/lloyd15.png

Converges to a stable structure (honeycomb) but if we stop the process, we obtain a reasonable point sampling

On 3D surfaces for remeshing§


[Cohen-Steiner et al]

Capacity Constrained Voronoi Diagram§

Equi-distribution of samples \equiv Cells with same capacity

Isotropic influence zone of samples \Rightarrow Energy model on cell shapes

Discrete version


CCVT Example§


Many variants/alternatives§

Experimental comparison

_images/bnot.png _images/ramp.png

Many variants/alternatives§
