Core 1.0
Core implements a variety of compact and useful transfer functions. Most of them are grouped in the Linear, Quadric, Cubic classes, although some specific more complex transfer functions, in general providing higher regularity properties, can be found in other classes such as Quintic, Septic or Nonic polynomials.
How do I compute the linear mapping from one interval to another?
In general, use double Linear::Step(const double& , const double& , const double& , const double& , const double& ), for instance for mapping [-3, 7] onto [-1,1] call:
How do I compute a gain-like function? The function double Quadric::Warp(const double&) implements a fast symmetric function based on a quadric; a higher degree Cubic::Warp(const double&) and lower degree Math::Warp(const double&) implementations are also implemented.