Core 1.0
FrameScaled Member List

This is the complete list of members for FrameScaled, including all inherited members.

Canonical(const Vector &, const Vector &)Frameprotectedstatic
CircleNormal(const double &, int=1, int=2) constFrameprotected
CircleVertex(const double &, int=1, int=2) constFrameprotected
Compose(const FrameScaled &)FrameScaled
Frame::Compose(const Frame &)Frameprotected
Composed(const FrameScaled &) constFrameScaled
Frame::Composed(const Frame &) constFrameprotected
Frame(const Matrix &=Matrix::Identity, const Vector &=Vector::Null)Frameexplicitprotected
Frame(const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &)Frameexplicitprotected
FrameScaled(const Matrix &=Matrix::Identity, const Vector &=Vector::Null, const Vector &=Vector(1.0))FrameScaledexplicit
FrameScaled(const Vector &)FrameScaledexplicit
FrameScaled(const Vector &, const Vector &)FrameScaledexplicit
FrameScaled(const Vector &, const double &)FrameScaledexplicit
FrameScaled(const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &)FrameScaledexplicit
FrameScaled(const Frame &, const Vector &=Vector(1.0))FrameScaled
GetMatrix() constFrameScaled
GetVector(int) constFrameinlineprotected
Inverse() constFrameprotected
InverseTransform(const Vector &) constFrameScaled
Frame::InverseTransform(const Ray &) constFrameprotected
InverseTransformDirection(const Vector &) constFrameScaled
Lerp(const FrameScaled &, const FrameScaled &, const double &)FrameScaled
ObjectRotate(const Vector &)FrameScaled
Orthonormal(const Vector &, const Vector &)Frameprotectedstatic
R() constFrameScaledinline
Rotate(const Vector &)FrameScaled
Rotation(const Vector &)FrameScaledstatic
Rotation(const Vector &, const double &)FrameScaledstatic
Rotation(const Vector &, const Vector &)FrameScaledstatic
S() constFrameScaled
Scale(const Vector &)FrameScaled
Scale(const double &)FrameScaled
Scaling(const Vector &)FrameScaledstatic
Scaling(const double &)FrameScaledstatic
SphereNormal(const double &, const double &, int=1, int=2, int=0) constFrameprotected
SphereVertex(const double &, const double &, const double &, int=1, int=2, int=0) constFrameprotected
T() constFrameScaledinline
Transform(const Vector &) constFrameScaled
Frame::Transform(const Ray &) constFrameprotected
TransformDirection(const Vector &) constFrameScaled
Translate(const Vector &)FrameScaled
Translation(const Vector &)FrameScaledstatic