Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- s : DiscTile, EdenGrowth2, EdenGrowth, FrameScaled2, FrameScaled, HemiSphereDisc, ScalarPointSlope2, Sector, SmoothSegment, SmoothVertex, Torus
- s0 : GaborNoise
- sc : Sector2
- side : Cone, ConeSphere, NewCone
- sigma : DiscSystem
- sign : AnalyticScalarField2, AnalyticScalarField, ScalarField
- simplex : SimplexNoise4
- size : Aa, Algebraic, Simplex2, Simplex
- smooth : FrameCurve
- sphere : EdenGrowth
- spheres : SphereSet
- split : Tetrahedra
- Sqrt12 : Math
- Sqrt2 : Math
- Sqrt3 : Math
- Sqrt5 : Math
- stackframe : MeshStack
- subd : DiscSystem