Terra 1.0
CArchesTree | This class implements complex terrains created by combining elements |
CTerra2015Replace | A replacement operator |
CTerra2015ReplaceAlpha | A replacement operator |
CTerra2015ReplaceMaxAlpha | A replacement operator |
CTerraAdd | A combination node that adds the thicknesses of the different materials |
CTerraAddNoise | Add noise to the surface |
CTerraBinary | Binary operators |
CTerraBinaryBlend | A binary blending node |
CTerraBlend | The blending node in the ArchesTree model |
CTerraBlendGrid | The blending node |
CTerraBox | Box node |
CTerraBoxImage | Height field node |
CTerraCircleWarp | A warping operator |
CTerraClampWeight | Clamping operator |
CTerraCrater | Craters |
CTerraCubic | Cubic curve skeletal element |
CTerraCubicImage | Image-based primitive along a curve |
CTerraCurveThick | Image function |
CTerraDisc | A disc primitive |
CTerraDiscCut | Cutting operator |
CTerraDiscNoise | Procedural noise over a disc |
CTerraDunes | Dunes |
CTerraField | A virtual class for coding nodes whoses material functions are coded as an elevation map |
CTerraFrame | Transformation operator |
CTerraGrid | Grid operators |
CTerraHighest | Create a height field with the maximum elevation of sub-trees |
CTerraLowest | Minimum operator |
CTerraNode | This class implements a generic node in the ArchesTree model |
CTerraOcean | Ocean multifractal model. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MdXyzX |
CTerraOperator | Generic n-ary operators in the tree |
CTerraPlateau | A plateau operator |
CTerraPrimitive | Primitives |
CTerraQuadrangleImage | Image-based height field nodes |
CTerraQuadricCurveSet | This class implements a cubic curve skeleton function |
CTerraReplace | A replacement operator |
CTerraScale | Scaling operator |
CTerraSmooth | A smooth operator |
CTerraSub | A combination node that adds the thicknesses of the different materials |
CTerraTranslate | A translation operator |
CTerraTwist | A twisting operator |
CTerraUnary | Unary operators |
CTerraVertex | A point primitive |
CTerraVertexImage | Height field node |
CTerraVertexNoise | Procedural noise over a disc |
CTerraVertexNoiseRydge | Ridged noise over a disc |
CTerraWarpNoise | A warping operator |