Professor -
CNU 27
Research: Member of the TWEAK team of the
LIRIS Laboratory CNRS UMR 5205
Computer Science Department of INSA Lyon
+33 47243 8212
Batiment Blaise Pascal, LIRIS, INSA Lyon
6 avenue Recteur Capelle Ouest, F-69100 Villeurbanne
I got an engineer master in Computer Science from INSA de Lyon in 1993.
I received a PhD from INSA de Lyon in 1997 and an Habilitation to Drive Research (HDR) from Université Lyon I in 2007.
I was Associate Professor in INSA Lyon and in the LIRIS lab. from 1998 to 2011.
I got a full Professor position in Université Jean Monnet (Telecom Saint Etienne engineering School and LaHC) in Septembre 2011 and came back to INSA Lyon and LIRIS lab. in January 2019.
I currently mainly teach Licence and Master students at the Computer Science department of the INSA Lyon engineering school: Software engineering and Agile methods in practice.
Publications on DBLP
Page on Scholar
Page on ResearchGate
PhD students
Alice Brenon: Methods and Tools for the Diachronic Study of Geographic Discourse in French Encylopedia (co-supervised with Ludovic Moncla and Denis Vigier), 2024?
Julian Bruyat: From Propery Graphs to Knowledge Graphs (co-supervised with Pierre-Antoine Champin and Lionel Médini), 2023?
Alexandre Bento: Embedded and Distributed Reasoning for the Web of Things (co-supervised with Lionel Médini and Kamal Singh), 2023?
Hady Elsahar: Enabling Dynamic Interactions between Natural Language and Structured Knowledge Bases (co-supervised with Christophe Gravier), 2019
Tanguy Raynaud: Thematic quiz generation from knowledge bases (co-supervised with Julien Subercaze), 2019
Syed Gillani: Semantically-enabled Stream Processing and Complex Event Processing over RDF Graph Streams (co-supervised with Gauthier Picard), 2016
Jules Chevalier: Incremental reasoning on data streams (co-supervised with Christophe Gravier and Julien Subercaze), 2016
Merieme Ghenname (collaboration with University Mohamed V, Morocco, co-supervised with Christophe Gravier and Julien Suberaze): The social Web and the Semantic Web for the Recommendation of Educational Material, 2015
Simon Meyffret: Local and Social Recommendation in Decentralized Architectures (co-supervised with Lionel Médini), 2012
Yann Gripay: A Declarative Approach for Pervasive Environements: Model and Implementation (co-supervised with Jean-Marc Petit), 2009
Tarak Chaari: Adaptation of Pervasive Applications in multi-Contextual Environments (co-supervised with André Flory), 2007
Mohamed Boumediene: Definition of a Generic Data Sharing System for Legacy Software (co-supervised with André Flory), 2005
Youakim Badr: Coupling Databases and Documents (co-supervised with André Flory), 2003