Research in the ORIGAMI team of LIRIS

General approach

Our aim is to simulate the movement of soft bodies in interaction. The simulations are coupled to physical device to enable interaction between users and the 3D simulations. The difficulty is to propose efficient models and parallel algorithms on the GPU of simulation to achieve interactive execution time. One direct application is to develop a new kind of training simulators for medical gestures.

Towards a childbirth simulator

Obstetricians learn the medical gesture of childbirth during actual deliveries. This learning becomes difficult in the case of instrumental deliveries where the dexterity of the gesture is necessary. The use of a simulator, allowing a first formation of this gesture without risk for the parturient and the fetus, would thus complement the training of young obstetricians. This simulator must restore the sensations experienced by the obstetrician, while taking into account parameters such as the morphology of the parturient and that of the fetus. This simulator, based on the techniques of Virtual Reality, requires the definition of a complete biomechanical model of the female reproductive system during childbirth, as well as the calculation of the forces generated by the Descent of the fetus.

A first work of research (thesis of Romain Buttin) allowed the realization of a bio-mechanical model, based on the finite element method, allowing simulation of the behavior of the organs involved during childbirth (uterus, maternal abdomen , Soft pelvis and bone) in contact with the fetus. This simulation thus makes it possible to obtain the trajectory of the fetus during its descent and its release.

To know more: SAGA (ANR MN 2012) website

Towards a needle insertion simulator

The gesture of the puncture of large joints has evolved over the last ten years with the use of an ultrasound probe to better guide the insertion of the needle during the operation. The main difficulty in the realization and the learning of this gesture resides thus in the simultaneous manipulation of two instruments. It is necessary to know how to manipulate the ultrasound probe (to visualize the gesture performed on a remote screen) while inserting the needle into the joint. These two instruments can also be interchanged during the puncture, making the operation all the more delicate. The objective of the SPARTE project is thus the realization of a simulator learning the gesture of the puncture of large joints under ultrasound in order to allow learning of the gesture without risk for the patient.

To know more: SPARTE project website (funded by SAMSEI)

Teaching to the Université Lyon 1


  • L1 Informatique - UE LIFAP1 - Algorithmique et Programmation Impérative : TDs, TPs
  • Responsable de l'enseignement : Elodie Desserée
  • L1 - Unité TRansversale TR1 PCI - Pratiques et Compétences Informatiques : CMs, TPs
  • Responsables de l'enseignement : Jean-Michel Morreau, Erwan Guillou, Elodie Desserée, Florence Zara
  • L1 Informatique - UE LIF3 - Logique, Programmation fonctionnelle et récursive : CMs, TDs et TPs
  • Responsables de l'enseignement : Nathalie Guin, Florence Zara
  • L1 Informatique - UE LIFAP2 - Algorithmique et Programmation Récursive : CMs, TDs, TPs
  • Responsables de l'enseignement : Nathalie Guin, Marie Lefevre, Florence Zara
  • L2 Informatique - UE LIFO41 Informatique Graphique : CMs, TDs et TPs
  • Responsables de l'enseignement : Alexandre Meyer, Florence Zara
  • L3 Informatique - UE IF7 - Algorithmique et programmation complexe : TPs
  • Responsables de l'enseignement : Bernard Péroche et Alexandre Meyer
  • Master 1 Informatique - UE Parallélisme : TPs
  • Responsable de l'enseignement : Frédéric Desprez
  • Master 2 - Ecole du jeu vidéo - Gamagora - UE Simulation : CMs, TPs
  • Responsable de l'UE : Florence Zara
  • Master Recherche Informatique - Informatique Graphique et Images - Unité d'enseignement MRI-IGI3 - Reconstruction géométrique et photométrique pour la réalité augmentée et virtuelle : CMs
  • Responsables de l'enseignement : Behzad Shariat, Saïda Bouakaz

Activities in Research and Education

Conference Chairing & Committees

Professional Service inside LIRIS

Professional Service inside Lyon 1

  • Since June 2022: Membre élu du conseil du département composante Informatique
  • 2010-2012: Référent Pédagogique en Informatique - Licence STS - Portail Maths-Info
  • 2007-2010
    • Directrice des Etudes (DE) - Informatique - Licence STS - Portail Maths-Info
    • Membre de la commission pédagogique des dossiers de Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP) - Licence Sciences, Technologie, Santé
    • Membre du Groupe de Travail LYCEE du CEVU

Professional Service in France

  • Since May 2021: Membre du conseil de fédération de la Fédération d'Informatique de Lyon (FIL)
  • Since 2021: Expert Evaluator for Hcéres (Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur)
  • Member of "comités consultatifs" (section 27)
    • 2022 : Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de St-Etienne (ENISE)
    • 2021 : Université de Lille, Université Strasbourg
    • 2013, 2014, 2019 et 2020 : Université Lyon 1
    • 2019 : Université Lyon 2
    • 2016 : Université de Bourgogne
    • 2015 : Université d'Auvergne

Scientific mediation

  • Participation à la fête de la science 2023 : vendredi 13 octobre 2023, Square Evariste Galois, Campus de la Doua
  • Rencontres avec des lycéens organisées par l'association DECLICS
    • 2023 : Lycée St Just, Lyon 5e
    • 2023 : Lycée Récamier, Lyon 2e

Collaborative Research Projects - since september 2005

  • Member of the SPARTE project (2016-2020)
  • Funding by the IDEFI-SAMSEI (Stratégies d'Apprentissage des Métiers de Santé en Environnement Immersif) project
    Funding of the Phd thesis of C. Barnouin
  • Member of the Adaptive mixed-element mesh generation for a training simulator of childbirth gestures project, ECOS Sud-CONICYT 2015
  • Member of the GenSim project, intern project of the LIRIS 2013
  • Member of the labex PRIMES (Physics, Radiobiology, Medical Imaging and Simulation) (WP5), labex 2012
  • Member of the SAGA project, ANR MN 2012
  • Member of the TOPOSim project, intern project of the LIRIS 2012
  • Member of the ENVISION project (European NoVel Imaging Systems for ION therapy) (WP4), European projet
  • Funding of the Phd thesis of X. Faure
  • Member of the SIMED project, cluster ISLE de la région Rhône-Alpes
  • Funding of the Phd thesis of M. Bailet
  • Member of the GMCAO project, cluster ISLE de la région Rhône-Alpes
  • Funding of the Phd thesis of R. Buttin

Academic background

  • 2020 - Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR), defended on October 19th, 2020.
  • Simulation interactive d'objets déformables pour la conception de simulateurs d'apprentissage aux gestes médicaux-chirurgicaux

  • Since sept. 2005 - Associate Professor UCBL inside the LIRIS, ORIGAMI team, Lyon, France
  • Keywords: physical simulation, soft tissue biomechanical modeling, parallel simulation

  • 2003-2005 - ATER ULP inside the IGG team (INRIA-CALVI project) of LSIIT, Strasbourg, France
  • Visualization of 4D data from simulation of particle or plasma beams
    Keywords: big data, wavelet compression, 4D data

  • 2000-2003 - Phd thesis INPG inside the ID-IMAG lab. (INRIA-APACHE project) in collaboration with the GRAVIR lab. (INRIA-iMAGIS team), Grenoble, France
  • Parallel algorithms of physical simulation for the synthesis of images: application to the animation of cloth
    Keywords: physical simulation, parallelization, cluster of PCs

  • 1999-2000 - DEA UJF inside the APACHE team of the LMC-IMAG lab., Grenoble, France
  • Interactive map server
    Keywords: parallel simulation, compression

Special events

  • CRCT Lyon 1 from 01/03/2021 to 31/08/2021
  • Maternity leave from 2018/01/15 to 2018/07/15 - Birth of Célian
  • CNRS delegation from 2014/09/01 to 2015/02/28 and CRCT Lyon 1 from 01/03/2015 to 31/08/2015.
    Guest researcher inside the GMCAO team of the TIMC-IMAG lab. of Grenoble.
  • Maternity leave from 2011/09/11 to 2011/12/31 - Birth of Charlotte
  • Maternity leave from 2009/02/09 to 2009/05/31 - Birth of Lucie

Publications since 2000 ❘


Chap 8: Haptic Training Simulators in medical education
F. Zara, L. Maréchal, R. Chalard, R. Moreau, L. Vadcard, C. Barthod. A. Lelevé
Robot Design: Application To Medical Robotics, Med Amine Laribi, Carl Nelson (Editors), Elsevier (Publisher), 2025. In the progress of finalization


FruitBin: a tunable large-scale dataset for advancing 6D pose estimation in fruit bin-picking automation
G. Duret, M. Ali, N. Cazin, D. Mazurak, A. Samsonenko, A. Chapin, F. Zara, E. Dellandrea, L. Chen, J. Peters
9th International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose (R6D), organized at European Conference on Computer Vision - ECCV 2024, September 2024, Milan (Italy).

High-Order Elements in Position Based Dynamics
B. Saillant, F. Zara, F. Jaillet, G. Damiand
The Visual Computer, CGI 2024 (Computer Graphics International), Geneva (Suisse), July, 2024.

Toward synthetic data generation for robotic tactile manipulations
G. Duret, F. Zara, J. Peters, L. Chen
Workshop on "Robot Embodiment through Visuo-Tactile Perception" - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Conference Workshop, Yokohama (Japon), May 2024.

Haptic Training Simulators Design Approach
F. Zara, B. Delbos, R. Chalard, R. Moreau, F. Jaillet, A. Lelevé
Smart Multimedia 2024, Los Angeles (US), March 2024.


FruitBin: a large-scale fruit bin picking dataset tunable over occlusion, camera pose and scenes for 6D pose estimation
G. Duret, M. Ali, N. Cazin, A. Chapin, F. Zara, E. Dellandréa, J. Peters, L. Chen, December 2023.

PickSim: A dynamically configurable Gazebo pipeline for robotic manipulation
G. Duret, N. Cazin, M. Ali, F. Zara, E. Dellandréa, J. Peters, L. Chen
Advancing Robot Manipulation Through Open-Source Ecosystems - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Conference Workshop, London (UK), May 2023.

Chap 15: Numerical simulation of vaginal delivery
F. Zara
Biomechanics of Female Reproductive System, Breast and Pelvic floor - From Model to Patient, Mathias Jean Brieu, Michel Cosson, Poul Fonss Nielsen (Book Editors), Elsevier (Publisher), August 2023.


Simulation temps réel d'insertion d'aiguille sous échographie.
B. Saillant , F. Jaillet, F. Zara.
Journées Françaises d'Informatique Graphique (JFIG 2022), 23-25 novembre 2022, Bordeaux (France).

A Virtual Reality and haptic simulator for ultrasound-guided needle insertion.
M. Alamilla, C. Barnouin, R. Moreau, F. Zara, F. Jaillet, T. Redarce, F. Coury.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, May, 2022.


Simulation interactive d'objets déformables pour la conception de simulateurs d'apprentissage aux gestes médicaux-chirurgicaux.
F. Zara.
Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR), defended on October 19th, 2020.

A real-time ultrasound rendering with model-based tissue deformation for needle insertion.
C. Barnouin, F. Zara, F. Jaillet.
15th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, GRAPP 2020, Malta, february 2020.
Merge-and-simplify Operation for Compact Combinatorial Pyramid Definition.
G. Damiand, F. Zara.
Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 129, pp. 48-55, january 2020.


Hybrid 3D Mass-Spring System for simulation of isotropic materials with any Poisson's ratio.
K. Golec, J.-F. Palierne, F. Zara, S. Nicolle, G. Damiand.
Visual Computer, volume 36, numéro 4, pages 809-825, may 2019 (issue date: April 2020).


Real-time Ultrasound Rendering for Ultrasound-Guided Puncture Training.
C. Barnouin, F. Zara, F. Jaillet.
Journées Françaises d'Informatique Graphique (JFIG 2018), 16 novembre 2018, Poitiers (France).
Distributed Combinatorial Maps for Parallel Mesh Processing.
G. Damiand, A. Gonzalez-Lorenzo, F. Zara, F. Dupont.
Open Access Revue Algorithms, volume 11, issue 7, numéro 105, 2018.
Naissance de Célian - 21 février 2018.
Simuler en temps réel la descente du foetus.
F. Zara.
Revue Quadrature, numéro 107, pages 34-46, EDP Sciences, Janvier-février-mars 2018.
Publications before 2018

Seminars and talks


Phd thesis / Thèse

  • Co-supervision of Guillaume Duret (LIRIS) - 2022-
  • Thesis supervisors: Liming Chen, Florence Zara
  • Co-supervision of Bastien Saillant (INSA thesis - LIRIS - funded by the french ministerial) - 2022-
  • Thesis supervisors: Guillaume Damiand, Florence Zara, Fabrice Jaillet
  • Co-supervision of Charles Barnouin (UCBL thesis - LIRIS - funded by the SAMSEI project) - 2016-2020
  • Thesis supervisors: Fabrice Jaillet et Florence Zara
  • Co-supervision of Karolina Golec (UCBL thesis - LIRIS - funded by the LabEx PRIMES) - 2014-2018
  • Thesis supervisors: Guillaume Damiand et Florence Zara
  • Co-supervision of Grégoire Lemasson (CIFRE UCBL thesis - LIRIS - CT CoreTechnologie) - 01/02/2012-
  • Thesis supervisors: Behzad Shariat, Jean-Claude Iehl, Florence Zara
  • Co-supervision of Mathieu Bailet (Université de Grenoble thesis - TIMC-IMAG - LIRIS, funded by cluster ISLE) - 2011-2014
  • Thesis supervisors: Emmanuel Promayon (TIMC-IMAG) et Florence Zara
  • Co-supervision of Elsa Fléchon (UCBL thesis - LIRIS) - 2011-2014
  • Thesis supervisors: Fabrice Jaillet et Florence Zara
  • Co-supervision of Xavier Faure (UCBL thesis - LIRIS, funded by the ETOILE project) - 2010-2014
  • Thesis supervisors: Fabrice Jaillet, Florence Zara et Jean-Michel Moreau
  • Co-supervision of Romain Buttin (UCBL thesis - LIRIS - laboratoire Ampère, funded by cluster ISLE, projet GMCAO) - 2007-2010
  • Thesis supervisors: Behzad Shariat, Florence Zara et Tanneguy Redarce (Ampère)
  • Vincent Baudet (UCBL thesis - LIRIS) - 2005-2007
  • Thesis supervisors: Behzad Shariat, Fabrice Jaillet
  • Matthieu Haefele (ULP thesis - LSIIT-IGG) - 2004-2005
  • Thesis supervisors: Eric Sonnendrücker (IRMA), Jean-Michel Dischler (LSIIT-IGG)

Master 2 Informatique / Ingénieur / DEA

  • 2021-2022
    • Doriane Ajmi (M2 UCBL - IA - co-encadrement : Benjamin Gilles (Anatoscope), Raphael Richert (HCL), Maxime Ducret (HCL) - Financement : Anatoscope)
    • Bastien Saillant (M2 Université Grenoble Alpes - co-encadrement avec F. Jaillet - Financement : IUT Lyon 1)
    • Jean Tomaszewski (M2 UCBL - ID3D - co-encadrement avec F. Jaillet - Financement : Fédération d'Informatique de Lyon (FIL))
  • 2020-2021
  • Tristan Guillard (M2 UCBL - ID3D - co-encadrement avec F. Jaillet - Financement : Fédération d'Informatique de Lyon (FIL))
  • Mars 2014-2015
  • Matthieu Coquet (ingénieur projet ANR SAGA)
  • 2012-2013
  • Matthieu Coquet (5e année INSA de Lyon - PFE INSA - co-encadrement avec G. Damiand)
  • 2010-2011
    • Elsa Fléchon (M2 Pro UCBL)
    • Grégoire Lemasson (M2 Pro UCBL) - co-encadrement avec J.C. Iehl et B. Shariat - Core Technologie
    • Zhifan Jiang (M2 Recherche UCBL - PFE INSA - co-encadrement avec F. Jaillet)
  • 2004-2005
  • Jean-François El Hajjar (DEA ULP - LSIIT-IGG)
  • 2003-2004
  • Christophe Mion (DEA ULP- LSIIT-IGG)

M1 Informatique

  • 2021-2022
    • Louis Jalouzot (M1 Informatique ENS de Lyon - UE projet)
    • Thomas Bobille (M1 Informatique ENS de Lyon - UE projet)
    • Pierre Hubert-Brierre (M1 Informatique ENS de Lyon - UE projet)
  • 2020-2021
    • Dorian Salmi (POM UCBL)
    • Mehdi Guittard (POM UCBL)
    • Louis Perret (POM UCBL)
    • Yanis Chermitti (POM UCBL)
    • Bastien Saillant (POM UCBL)
  • 2018-2019
    • Bao Anh NGUYEN (POM UCBL)
    • Ali Zahidi (POM UCBL)
    • Antoine Oleksiak (POM UCBL)
    • Lafoix-Tranchant Paul (POM UCBL)
    • Lemeunier Clément (POM UCBL)
  • 2016-2017
    • Audrey Loup (POM UCBL)
    • Luc Di Sanza (POM UCBL)
  • 2009-2010
    • Elsa Fléchon (TER UCBL)
    • Grégoire Lemasson (TER UCBL)
    • Nicolas Pina (TER UCBL)
    • Anthony Pereira (TER UCBL)
  • 2008-2009
    • Stephane Pavailli (TER UCBL)
    • Youcef Kebaili (TER UCBL)
  • 2007-2008
    • Luc Maurin (TER M2 Pro - UCBL)
    • Emeric Planet (TER M2 Pro - UCBL)
  • 2006-2007
    • Luc Maurin (TER UCBL)
    • Emeric Planet (TER UCBL)
    • Emilien Andreani (TER UCBL)
    • Royer-Bertrand Cédric (TER UCBL)
    • Dieng Sidy (TER UCBL)
  • 2003-2004
  • David Vigier (TER ULP - LSIIT-IGG)

PhD committees

Jury member as co-supervisor

  • Charles Barnouin - Date of defended: 2020/05/07
  • Karolina Golec - Date of defended: 2018/01/19
  • Mathieu Bailet - Date of defended: 2014/12/15
  • Elsa Fléchon - Date of defended: 2014/09/12
  • Xavier Faure - Date of defended: 2014/09/20
  • Romain Buttin - Date of defended: 2010/10/08

Jury member as examinator

  • Pierre Bourquat
  • Title: Registration between real and virtual objects for machining of mechanical parts
    Date of defended: 2024/09/16
    Laboratory: LIRIS
    Supervisors: Guillaume Damiand (CNRS), David Coeurjolly (CNRS), Florent Dupont (Université Lyon 1)
    Jury: Georges-Pierre Bonneau (rapporteur), Jean-Luc Mari (rapporteur), Céline Roudet (examinatrice), Florence Zara (examinatrice).
  • Clément Lemeunier
  • Title: Modélisation efficiente du corps humain en mouvement
    Date of defended: 2023/12/18
    Laboratory: LIRIS
    Supervisors: Florent Dupont (Université Lyon 1), Florence Denis (Université Lyon 1), Guillaume Lavoué (Ecole Centrale de Lyon)
    Jury: Stefanie Wuhrer (rapporteur), Damien Rohmer (rapporteur), Franck Hétroy-Wheeler (examinateur), Florence Zara (examinatrice), Mohamed Daoudi (invité).
  • Alban Odot
  • Title: Biomécanique computationnelle pilotée par les données à l'aide de réseaux neuronaux profonds - application à la chirurgie augmentée
    Date of defended: 2023/11/07
    Laboratory: INRIA Strasbourg
    Supervisors: Stéphane Cotin (INRIA Strasbourg)
    Jury: Maud Marchal (rapporteur), Jéremie Dequidt (rapporteur), Stéphane Bordas (examinateur), Florence Zara (examinatrice)
  • Raphael Richert
  • Title: Modèles patient-spécifiques en odontologie
    Date of defended: 2021/12/06
    Laboratory: LaMCoS
    Supervisors: Philippe Boisse (LaMCoS, INSA Lyon), Maxime Ducret (Univ. Lyon 1)
    Jury: Christain Geindreau (rapporteur), Marc Bolla (rapporteur), Reza Arbab-Chirani (examinateur), Reinhilde Jacobs (examinatrice), Dominique Seux (examinatrice), Florence Zara (examinatrice)
  • Valentin Favier
  • Title: Modèle 3D personnalisable et imprimable pour la simulation et la planification de chirurgie de la base du crane par voir endonasale
    Date of defended: 2021/12/03
    Laboratory: LIRMM, Université de Montpellier
    Supervisors: Guillaume Captier (Laboratoire d'anatomie de Montpellier, LIRMM), Patrice Gallet (INSERM, Univ. Lorraine), Gérard Subsol (CNRS, LIRMM)
    Jury: Guillaume de Bonnecaze (dept. anatomie, Univ. Toulouse - rapporteur), Jean-Marie Moureaux (Telecom Nancy - rapporteur), Louis Crampette (dept ORL et chirurgie cervico-faciale, CHU Montpellier - examinateur), Manuela Perez (dept anatomie, Univ. Lorraine - examinatrice), Florence Zara (examinatrice), Franck Jourdan (LGMC, invité), Jean-Philippe Jehl (Institut Jean Lamour, invité)
  • Noelie Debs
  • Title: Prédiction de l'issue lésionnelle et clinique de l'accident vasculaire cérébral par approche d'intelligence artificielle
    Date of defended: 2020/10/13
    Laboratory: Laboratoire Creatis
    Supervisors: Tae-Hee Cho (HCL), Carole Frindel (Creatis), David Rousseau (LARIS)
    Jury: Stéphanie Allassonnière (rapporteur), Caroline Petitjean (rapporteur), Emmanuel Barbier (examinateur), Yves Berthezène (examinateur), Florence Zara (examinatrice)
  • Ma de Los Angeles Alamilla Daniel
  • Title: Development of a haptic simulator for practicing the intra-articular needle injection under echography
    Date of defended: 2020/03/12
    Laboratory: Laboratoire Ampère, INSA de Lyon
    Supervisors: Tanneguy Redarce (Ampère), Richard Moreau (Ampère)
    Jury: Gérard Poisson (rapporteur), Christine Barthod (rapporteur), Pierre Vieryres (examinateur), Emmanuel Promayon (examinateur), Florence Zara (examinatrice)
  • Gaelle Fiard
  • Title: Apprentissage des biopsies prostatiques par la simulation : vers la validation du simulateur Biopsym
    Date of defended: 2018/12/03
    Laboratory: TIMC-IMAG, Université Grenoble Alpes
    Supervisors: Jocelyne Troccaz (TIMC-IMAG) et Jean-Luc Descotes (CHU Grenoble Alpes)
    Jury: Maud Marchal (rapporteur), Jacques Hubert (rapporteur), Olivier Palombi (examinateur), Arnauld Villers (examinateur), Emmanuel Promayon (examinateur), Florence Zara (examinatrice)
  • Pierre-Luc Manteaux
  • Title: Simulation et contrôle de phénomènes physiques
    Date of defended: 2016/10/03
    Laboratory: Jean Kuntzmann (LJK), Université de Grenoble
    Supervisors: Marie-Paule Cani (LJK-IMAGINE) et François Faure (LJK-IMAGINE)
    Jury: Christian Duriez (rapporteur), Maud Marchal (rapporteur), Paul Kry (examinateur), Joelle Thollot (présidente), Florence Zara (examinatrice)
  • Nicolas Herzig
  • Title: De la Conception à la Commande d'une Nouvelle Interface Haptique 4 Axes Hybride Pneumatique Electrique pour la Simulation d'Accouchement : le BirthSIM
    Date of defended: 2016/06/24
    Laboratory: Laboratoire Ampère, INSA de Lyon
    Supervisors: Tanneguy Redarce (Ampère), Richard Moreau (Ampère)
    Jury: Guillaume Morel (rapporteur), Pierre Renaud (rapporteur), Christine Barthod (examinatrice), Olivier Dupuis (examinateur), Jacques Lottin (président), Florence Zara (examinatrice)
  • Matthieu Haefele
  • Title: Simulation adaptative et visualisation haute-performance de plasmas et de faisceaux de particules
    Date of defended: 2007/04/05
    Laboratory: LSIIT-IGG, Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg
    Supervisors: Jean-Michel Dischler (LSIIT-IGG) et Eric Sonnendrücker (IRMA)
    Jury: Guillaume Latu (examinateur), Olivier Coulaud (rapporteur), Wilfried Lefer (rapporteur), Catherine Mongenet (rapporteur), Florence Zara (invitée)