Chambelland JC, Gesquière G, « Complex Virtual Urban Environment Modeling from CityGML Data and OGC web services: Application to the SIMFOR Project », SPIE, San Francisco, 01/2012
Bénière R, Subsol G, Gesquière G, Le Breton F, Puech G, « Topology Reconstruction for B-Rep Modeling from 3D Mesh in Reverse Engineering Applications », SPIE, San Francisco, 01/2012
Mignard C., Gesquière G., Nicolle C., “Interoperability between GIS and BIM”, International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, KMIS 2011, October 26-29, 2011, Paris, France, pp 359-362
Capanna C, Lamy P, Jorda L, Gesquière G, « Reconstruction of small solar system bodies using photoclinometry by deformation », MCSIS CGVCVIP 2011.
Duplex B, Gesquière G, Daniel M, Perdu F, « Deformation Exchange between large meshes », MCSIS CGVCVIP 2011.
Chambelland JC, Raffin R, Desbenoît B, Gesquière G, « SIMFOR : Towards a Collaborative software platform for Urban crisis management », MCSIS CGVCVIP 2011.
Mignard C., Gesquière G., Nicolle C., SIGA3D: « A Semantic BIM Extension to Represent Urban Environnement », Fifth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, SEMAPRO 2011, November 20-25, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, pp 81-86
Duplex B, Gesquière G, Daniel M, PERDU F, « Deformation Exchange between Adjacent Physical Code Geometries » , The 19-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2011 (WSCG'2011), pp. 21-24, Plzen, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-86943-81-7.
Bénière.R, Subsol G., Gesquière G., Le Breton F., Puech W., « Recovering Primitives in 3D CAD meshes », SPIE, San Francisco, 01/2011.
Bénière R, Subsol G, Gesquière G, Lebreton F, Puech W, « Decomposition of a 3D triangular mesh into quadrangulated patches », International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP 2010), Angers.
Hayat K, Puech W, Gesquière G, « Seamless Heterogeneous Tessellation via Smoothing and Mosaicking in the DWT Domain », Proc. SPIE, Electronic Imaging, Visual Information Processing and Communication, vol. 7543, no. 33. San Jose, CA, USA: SPIE, IS&T, January 17 – 21, 2010.
Besse S, Groussin O, Jorda L, Lamy P, Kaasalainen M, Gesquière G, Remy E, « 3-Dimensional Reconstruction of Asteroid 2867 Steins », Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston, 2009.
Hayat K, Puech W, Gesquière G, Subsol G, « 3D Facial Visualization through Adaptive Spread Spectrum Synchronous Scalable (A4S) Data Hiding », IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP’09, November 7-11, Egypt, 2009
Hayat K, Puech W, Gesquière G, « Seamless Joining of Tiles of Varying Resolutions for Online 3D Terrain Visualization by DWT Domain Smoothing », 17th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO’09, August 24-28, 2009, Glasgow, Scotland.
Hayat K, Puech W, Gesquière G, « An Adaptive Spread Spectrum (SS) Synchronous Data Hiding Strategy for Scalable 3D Terrain Visualization », SPIE, Electronic Imaging, Visualization and Data Analysis , VDA’09, vol. 7243, no. 7. San Jose, CA, USA: SPIE/IS&T, January 18-22, 2009.
Llebaria A, Jorda L, Groussin O, Gesquière G, Lamy P, « Separation of limb and terminator on apparent contours of solar system small bodies », Spie Electronic Imaging, Vol. 724610, fev 2009.
Hayat K, Puech W, Subsol G, Gesquière G, « JPEG2000-Based Data Hiding to Synchronously Unify Disparate Facial Data for Scalable 3D Visualization », Singaporean-French Symposium, SinFra’09 Image, Perception, Access & Language Laboratory (IPAL), February 18-20, 2009, Fusionopolis, Singapore.
Hayat K, Puech W, Gesquière G, « A Lossy JPEG2000-based Data Hiding Method for Scalable 3D Terrain Visualization », 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2008), pp. 25-29, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2008.
Hayat K, Puech W, Gesquière G, « Scalable Data Hiding for Online Textured 3D Terrain Visualization », IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), pp. 217–220, Hannover, Germany, June 2008.
La Greca R, Raffin R, Gesquière G, « Punctual constraint resolution and deformation path on NURBS », Graphicon, 2007.
Hayat K, Puech W, Gesquière G, « An Efficient Data-Hiding Method Based on Lossless JPEG2000 for a Scalable and Synchronized Visualization of 3D Terrains », EUSIPCO 07, pp. 2519–2523, Poznan, Poland, september 2007.
Hayat K, Puech W, Gesquière G, Chaumont M, « Wavelet based data-hiding of DEM in the context of real time 3D visualization », Electronic Imaging, Visualization and Data Analysis, SPIE, IS\&T, San Jose, CA, USA, janvier 2007.
Martin A, Gesquière G, Puech W, Thon S, « Real Time 3D Visualization of DEM Combined with a Robust DCT Based Data-Hiding Method », SPIE- Electronic Imaging, vol. 6060, pp. 60600G-1-60600G-8, 2006.
Raffin R, La Greca R, Gesquière G, « Constrained Free Form Deformation of NURBS Surfaces », Curves and Surfaces, Avignon, France, juillet 2006.
Raffin R, Thibault G, Gesquière G, « Simple and efficient tools for Virsculpt », GRAPP 2006, Proceedings of the first international conference on computer graphics theory and applications, INSTICC, pp. 436-440, Lisboa, February 2006.
Heurtebise X, Thon S, Gesquière G, « Multi-resolution representation and deformation of wavelet-based 3D objects », WSCG'06 proceedings, Plzen, République Tchèque, février 2006.
Thon S, Gesquière G, Raffin R, « A low Cost Antialiased Space Filled Voxelization of Polygonal Objects » , GraphiCon 2004, pp. 71-78, Moscou, sept. 2004
Raffin R, Gesquière G, Remy R, Thon, S, « VirSculpt: a virtual sculpting environment », GraphiCon 2004, pp. 184-187, Moscou, sep 2004.
Rigaudière D, Gesquière G, Faudot D « Shape Modeling with Skeleton Based Implicit Primitives », GraphiCon'2000, pp. 174-178, 2000.
Gesquière G, Faudot D, Rigaudière D, « Volume control of equipotential implicit surfaces », Implicit Surfaces ’99, pages 43-49, 1999.
Rigaudière D, Gesquière G, Faudot D, « New Implicit Primitives Used in Reconstruction by Skeletons », WSCG, Czech Republic 1999.