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Supervised Thesis
 | 2DTopoMap  |  |
2DTopoMap is a software allowing of topological 2D image processing. It is a prototype implementing the results of my research works. The basic idea of these researches is that many algorithms of image processing (starting from the segmentation algorithms, but also the methods of feature computation or the modification operations) need the topology to guide and structure the processings. As topological information, we start by the simpler ones such as the adjacency between two regions, and going to much more complexes information such as homology groups.
The software
The 2DTopoMap software allows to load a 2D image and to compute the corresponding 2D topological map, a combinatorial model based on combinatorial maps that represents the topology of the regions in the image. Then it allows to:
- segment the image, using or not some topological criteria
- visualize the image, in pixels or interpixels form
- simplify the image by removing the small regions
- to reconstruct the discrete contours, with different criteria, with a sequential or parallel method
- to deform a given partition while preserving its topology
Other operations are under development.
Some objets
- Here one snapshot of the software showing an image segmented by using the topological maps.
- Here an example showing the deformable partition method. We start from the initial partition (to the left) and deform it to fit to the image data while preserving the topology of the whole partition.
- A last example showing the result of our method of discrete contours reconstruction. Starting from the image given above, we simplify its contours depending a geometrical criterion. Here we have used the sequential method based on the maximal distance to the line.
For more information
For more information, contact me. You can read my main publications related to this project.
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