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Topologically Constrained Segmentation with Topological MapsProc. of 1st International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context (CTIC) June 2008, Poitiers, France Abstract: This paper presents incremental algorithms used to compute Betti numbers with topological maps. Their implementation, as topological criterion for an existing bottom-up segmentation, is explained and results on artificial images are shown to illustrate the process. Keywords: Topological map; Topological constraint; Betti numbers; Segmentation. BibTex references@InProceedings{DD08c, author = {Dupas, A. and Damiand, G.}, title = {Topologically Constrained Segmentation with Topological Maps}, booktitle = {Proc. of 1st International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context (CTIC)}, month = {June}, year = {2008}, address = {Poitiers, France}, keywords = {Topological map; Topological constraint; Betti numbers; Segmentation.} } Image |