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Guillaume Damiand

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oSupervised Thesis




High-Order Elements in Position Based Dynamics

Saillant B., Zara F., Damiand G., Jaillet F.
The Visual Computer (VC)
Volume 40, pages 4737-4749, June 2024

Links:  PDF  Hal  Link  

Abstract: The simulation of deformable objects has been the subject of a great deal of work in the field of computer graphics. The constraint-based PBD (Position-Based Dynamics) approach has been proven to be effective in this field for real-time and stable deformable objects simulation. Finite element method with linear tetrahedron discretization is the most widely used in computer graphics despite producing less accurate results than hexahedral or higher-order elements. In this context, our proposal is to integrate higher degree elements within the PBD framework. In addition, we propose a solution to improve convergence of unstable energies (like Neo-Hooke) when used as constraints. We show that our approach improves accuracy compared to linear tetrahedra. We also highlight the time savings, since fewer elements are needed.

Keywords: Physical based simulation; Position-based dynamics; High-order elements; Elasticity; Real-time physics

BibTex references

      author = {Saillant, B. and Zara, F. and Damiand, G. and Jaillet, F.},
      title = {High-Order Elements in Position Based Dynamics},
      journal = {The Visual Computer (VC)},
      publisher = {Springer Nature},
      volume = {40},
      pages = {4737-4749},
      month = {June},
      year = {2024},
      keywords = {Physical based simulation; Position-based dynamics; High-order elements; Elasticity; Real-time physics},
      url = {}


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