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Linear Cell Complexesin CGAL User and Reference Manual, March 2012 Abstract: This package implements linear cell complexes, objects in d-dimension with linear geometry. The combinatorial part of objects is described either by a combinatorial or a generalized map, representing all the cells of the object plus the incidence and adjacency relations between cells. Geometry is added to the combinatorial data-structure simply by associating a point to each vertex of the map. Taking a 2D combinatorial map, and using 3D points, gives a linear cell complex equivalent to a Polyhedron_3. BibTex references@incollection{Damiand12, author = {Damiand, G.}, booktitle = {{CGAL} User and Reference Manual}, title = {Linear Cell Complexes}, year = {2012}, month = {March}, edition = {{4.0}}, note = {\url{}}, altnote = {https\string://}, key = {D\'ep\^ot APP IDDN FR.001.290020.0000.S.P.2014.000.31500} } Image |