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Surface Mesh Topologyin CGAL User and Reference Manual, September 2020 Abstract: This package provides a toolbox for manipulating curves on a combinatorial surface from the topological point of view. Two main functionalities are proposed. One is the computation of shortest curves that cannot be continuously deformed to a point. This includes the computation of the so-called edge width and face width of the vertex-edge graph of a combinatorial surface. The other functionality is the homotopy test for deciding if two given curves on a combinatorial surface can be continuously deformed one into the other. BibTex references@incollection{DamLaz20, author = {Damiand, G. and Lazarus, F.}, booktitle = {{CGAL} User and Reference Manual}, title = {Surface Mesh Topology}, year = {2020}, month = {September}, edition = {{5.1}}, note = {\url{}}, altnote = {https\string://}, key = {D\'ep\^ot APP IDDN FR.001.220028.000.S.P.2021.000.10000} } Image |