High Fidelity Scan Merging


Julie Digne   Jean-Michel Morel   Nicolas Audfray   Claire Lartigue

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For each scanned object 3D triangulation laser scanners deliver multiple sweeps corresponding to multiple laser motions and orientations. The problem of aligning these scans has been well solved by using rigid and, more recently, non-rigid transformations. Nevertheless, there are always residual local offsets between scans which forbid a direct merging of the scans, and force to some preliminary smoothing. Indeed, the tiling and aliasing effects due to the tiniest normal displacements of the scans can be dramatic. This paper proposes a general method to tackle this problem. The algorithm decomposes each scan into its high and low frequency components and fuses the low frequencies while keeping intact the high frequency content. It produces a mesh with the highest attainable resolution, having for vertices all raw data points of all scans. This exhaustive fusion of scans maintains the finest texture details. The method is illustrated on several high resolution scans of archeological objects.

Some additional results

Here are some additional results to show the efficiency of the method compared to other methods

Nefertiti Head detail

Scan merging result
Joint mesh of the input scans without any merging
Poisson Reconstruction with the smallest grid cell available on our computer (8 cores, 48GB RAM)

Rosetta stone reproduction (this object has engravings which are around 50-100 microns deep)

Scan merging result
Joint mesh of the input scans without any merging


The following video shows how the merging works on objects with tiny details

Download the high res video (200Mo) (coming soon)


editor = {Olga Sorkine and Bruno Levy},
booktitle = {SGP10: Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing},
year = {2010},
isbn = {no ISBN: published as Journal CGF 29-5},
issn = {0167-7055},
address = {Lyon, France},
publisher = {Eurographics Association},
author = {J. Digne and J.-M. Morel and N. Audfray and C. Lartigue },
title = {{High Fidelity Scan Merging}},
pages = {1643-1651},
URL = {http://www.eg.org/EG/CGF/volume29/issue5/v29i5pp1643-1651.pdf},
