Image Transfer and Storage Cost Aware Brokering Strat. for Multiple Clouds


Nowadays, Clouds are used for hosting a large range of services. But between different Cloud Service Providers, the pricing model and the price of individual resources are very different. Furthermore hosting a service in one Cloud is the major cause of service outage. To increase resiliency and minimize the monetary cost of running a service, it becomes mandatory to span it between different Clouds. Moreover, due to dynamicity of both the service and Clouds, it could be required to migrate a service at run time. Accordingly, this ability must be integrated into the multi-Cloud resource manager, i.e. the Cloud broker. But, when migrating a VM to a new Cloud Service Provider, the VM disk image must be migrated too. Accordingly, data storage and transfer must be taken into account when choosing if and where an application will be migrated. In this paper, we extend a cost-optimization algorithm to take into account storage costs to approximate the optimal placement of a service. The data storage management consists in taking two decisions: where to upload an image, and keep it on-line during the experiment lifetime or delete it when unused. Although the default approach can be to upload an image on demand and delete it when it is no more used, we demonstrate that by adopting other policies the user can achieve better economical results.
