
DSC : Disctributed source coding 
Key Words

Coding with State Information, Compression, Watermarking, Distributed Source Coding, Writing on Dirty Paper, Low Density Parity Check Codes, Trellis Coded Quantization.

Technological advances in the fields of telecommunications, multimedia and the diverse choice of portable handhelds during the last decade, derive to create novel services such as video-conferencing, content protection etc. running on low-power devices. Hence alternative low complexity coding techniques need to be developed or replacing conventional ones. Coding with state information, a potential solution to shifting the encoder complexity to the decoder, has two main applications:
1)Distributed Source Coding(DSC) for compressing a source given a correlated version of it is available only to the decoder.
2)Informed Data Hiding(IDH) for embedding a watermark to a host signal where the host signal is available only to the encoder.
For each problem stated above, practical code designs that operate close to the theoretical limits are proposed. The combination of good error correcting codes such as Low Density Parity-Check (LDPC) Codes and good quantization codes such as Trellis Coded Quantization (TCQ) are used at the design of the proposed capacity approaching codes.
Moreover, the theoretical achievable rate limits for a relaxed IDH setup, such that a noisy observation of the host signal is available to the decoder is derived. Finally, motivated by the strong duality between DSC and IDH, a hybrid scheme that uses both data hiding and compression is proposed. In addition to the derivation of theoretical channel capacity and rate distortion function, a complete framework is proposed.
This work has been achieved during Cagatay Dikici Phd Thesis. .

  Proposed Scheme :

WaterMarking + Compression Scheme

 Here, we combine Watermarking and Compression to embed data in the message M with the use of LDPC and TCQ


C.Dikici, C. Guillemot, K. Idrissi, C. Fontaine, A. Baskurt, "Paper Coding with Partial State Information". . In ISIVC 2008, IEEE Int. Symposium on Image/Video Communications over fixed an mobile networks, Bilbao. Spain. 2008
C. Dikici, K. Idrissi and A. Baskurt, “Dirty-paper writing based on LDPC codes for Data Hiding”, Proc. of Int Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security (IWMRCS), Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 4105, pp. 114-120, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2006. PDF (Copyright Springer)
C. Dikici, K. Idrissi and A. Baskurt, “Joint Data Hiding-Source Coding of Still Images”, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO’2006), Firenze, Italy, September 2006. PDF (Copyright Elsevier)
C. Dikici, K. Idrissi, A. Baskurt, “Joint Data-Hiding and Source Coding with Partially Available Side Information, IS&T / SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, San José, USA , Jan. 2006. PDF (Copyright SPIE)
C. Dikici, R . Guermazi, K. Idrissi and A. Baskurt, “ Distributed Source Coding of Still Images” , European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'2005) , Antalya, Turkey, September 2005. PDF (Copyright Elsevier)
R. Guermazi K. Idrissi, B.C Ben Amar, A. Baskurt," Codage Distribué des images fixes", Dans 3rd International Conference on Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications SETIT 2005, SOUSSE - TUNISIE - 2005.