Professor in Computer Science
Institute of Applied
Sciences of Lyon
Administrative data
address: Laboratoire
d'InfoRmatique de l'Image et des Systèmes d'information
National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Lyon
7 Bât.
Blaise Pascal
Villeurbanne Cedex
Phone : +33-4-72-43-83-92 ; fax : +33-4-72-43-85-18 / 87-13
E-mail : Lionel.Brunie at insa-lyon.fr
Academic cursus
- baccalauréat C (~ A-Levels / High School diploma), "mention très bien" (~first class degree / summa cum laude), 1983 ;
- master ("DEA") in computer science (main track : artificial intelligence), "mention assez bien" (~lower second class degree / cum laude), Institut National Polytechnique of Grenoble, 1988 ;
- diploma of engineer in computer science, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées of Grenoble (ENSIMAG), "mention bien" (~upper second class degree / magna cum laude), 1988 ;
- PhD in computer science : Fusion d’images médicales multimodales : application à l’étude tridimensionnelle dynamique de la colonne vertébrale ; (multimodal medical image registration ; application to the 3D dynamic study of the spine), Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, "mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury" (~first class degree / summa cum laude), 1992.
- diploma of habilitation : Gestion de ressources dans les systèmes répartis et parallèles (ressource management in distributed and parallel systems), Claude Bernard - Lyon I University, Lyon, 1997.
Professional experience -Responsabilities
- Assistant professor in computer science at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon from october 1993 to september 1998. Research activities: parallel systems, parallel programming environnements, parallel databases, multimedia, medical image archiving and communication systems (PACS). Deputy head of ENS Lyon-INRIA REMAP (28 researchers). Deputy head of Lyon master program ("DEA) in computer science.
- University Professor in computer science at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Lyon since octobre 1998. Teaching activities : (INSA CS dpt and Lyon CS master program) : advanced networks, security and privacy, distributed systems, advanced information systems, data grids, pervasive/ubiquitous computing. Research activities (LIRIS Lab/DRIM Team) : distributed data management, grid computing, ubiquitous/pervasive computing, medical informatics, multimedia information systems, security/privacy
- Founder and Director of the INSA e-learning center (1999-2003) (10 staff member ; annual budget: 300,000 euros)
- Deputy Vice-President of INSA Scientific Council (1998-2002) - member of INSA Scientific Council from 1998 to 2006
- Coordinator of the health researches activities of the LIRIS lab (26 permanent researchers) from 2002 to 2006- Deputy Director of LIRIS
Laboratory (2006-2007)
- Co-Founder-Director of the LIRIS
DRIM Team since May, 2008 (12 permament researchers, 25 PhD students)
- Co-Director
INSA of Lyon – Alep University Master program in Computer
Science since September, 2008