Research Activities
Topics of interest
Previous Work
PhD Students
Deux présentations illustrant nos travaux :
- quelques
réflexions sur l'informatique pervasive et les
écosystèmes pervasifs
(conférence invité congrès 2008 du
club EEA, mai 2008)
- présentation
synthétique de nos travaux de recherche aux
étudiants du département informatique de l'INSA
de Lyon, mars 2009
I am researcher at the Laboratoire
d'Informatique en
Images et
Systèmes d'Information (LIRIS - UMR CNRS 5205) where I lead the Information Retrieval and Management
of Distributed Multimedia Information (DRIM) team.
Jointly with Harald Kosch; Professor at the University of
Passau, Germany, I lead the French-German
Doctoral College in Multimedia,
Distributed and Pervasive Services (MDPS).
Jointly with Ernesto Damiani, Professor at the University of Milan,
Italy, I lead the French-Italian Doctoral College in Secure and
Collaborative Knowledge Management (GS2C).
These two international doctoral colleges are strongly coordinated.
The general topic of my research activities concerns the management of distributed (multimedia) data, with two target environments: data grids and pervasive (ubiquitous) systems
Topics of interest
In the last few years, I have been especially interested in :
- data management in grids :
- access control and encrypted storage (Ludwig Seitz's PhD)
- medical data grids (Hector Duque's PhD; collaboration with
Creatis Lab.)
- collaborative caching (Yonny Cardenas)
- grid monitoring and grid management (thèse de Julien Gossa's
- data brokering (Ny-Haingo
Andrianarisoa's PhD; collaboration with Aricie Company)
- data management in pervasive and ubiquitous envirenments
- design and implementation of the pervasive middleware PerSE
- multimedia content adaptation (Girma Berhe's PhD)
- access control and trust (Rachid Saadi's PhD)
- context modeling and context-awareness (Dejene Ejigu's PhD)
- query routing and processing in mobile P2P systems (Talar
Atéchian's PhD)
- service composition execution and multimedia content adaptation
in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) (Yaser
Fawaz's PhD)
- information and service sharing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
(MANETs) (Adissalem Negash's PhD)
- fault tolerance and survivability (Adel Ayara's PhD)
- fault tolerance collaborative algorithms (Tobias Mayer's PhD)
- data replication in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) (Zeina
Torbey's PhD)
- adverstisement dissemination and processing in ambient social
networks (Jingwei Miao's PhD)
- access control and encrypted storage in data grids (Ludwig
Seitz's PhD)
- access control and trust in nomadic environments (Rachid
Saadi's PhD)
- privacy preserving reputation systems in P2P networks (Omar
Hasan's PhD)
- access control to MPEG multimedia databases (Vanessa
El-Khoury's PhD)
- collaborative multimedia systems
- query by image content (Solomon Atnafu's PhD)
- semantic collaborative web caching (David Coquil's PhD)
- semantic usage analysis of distributed databases and user
profiling (Lyes Limam's PhD)
- multimedia data
spaces-application to distributed patient record databases (Armelle
Yakou's PhD)
- distributed multimedia databse tuning (Christian Vilsmaier's
Basically, our research consists in the design of protocols and heuristics for managing distributed (multimedia) data i.e., retrieving, adapting, exchanging, securing, delivering distributed (multimedia) data. In this framework, we argue that data management protocols and heuristics must be designed with respect to the semantics of the data, the usage patterns, the context information.
Previous Work
The web page (in French) Activités de recherche sur
période 2000-2004 describe my research activities during the 2000-2004 period:
- Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) and parallel processing environment (Laurent Lefèvre's PhD)
- DSM monitoring (Olivier Reymann's PhD)
- parallel video servers (Ahmed Mostefaoui's PhD)
- parallel relational query processing (Harald Kosch's PhD and Matthieu Exbrayat's PhD)
and a part of the topics presented above.
Older work is described in the page here.
In old times :-), I did my PhD in the domain of computer vision, more
precisely on multimodal image fusion and 3D dynamic imaging of the
spine (IMAG/TIMC Lab., Grenoble, France; advisor:
Philippe Cinquin).
I had and I have the pleasure to work with many PhD students
whose thesis I (co-)supervise(d):
- Laurent
Lefèvre (graduated in 1997),
now researcher at INRIA/ENS
Lyon/LIP Lab, France
(co-supervisor: Y. Robert)
- Harald
(graduated in 1997), now Professeur
at the University of Passau, Germany (chair: Distributed and Multimedia
Information Systems) (co-supervisor: Y.
- Matthieu
(graduated in 1999), now assistant professor at the University of
Orléans/LIFO Lab, France (co-supervisor: A. Flory)
- Olivier Reymann (graduated in 1999), now engineer at SNCF
(co-supervisor: Y. Robert)
- Ahmed
(graduated in 2000), now assistant professor at the Université of
Franche-Comté/LIFC Lab, France
- Baptiste
(graduated in 2002), now assistant professor at the University of
Saint-Etienne/H. Curien Lab, France (co-supervisor: J.F. Boulicaut)
- Solomon
(graduated in 2003), now associate professor at Addis-Ababa University,
- Ludwig
Seitz (graduated in 2005), now researcher at the Swedish Institute
of Computer Science (SICS), Stockholm, Sweden (co-supervisor: J.-M.
- Hector
Duque (graduated in 2005), now research engineer in Bogota,
(co-supervisor: I. Magnin)
- David
Coquil (graduated in 2006), now assistant professor at the
University of
Passau, Germany
- Girma
Berhe (graduated in
/2006), now post-doc at the University of Luxembourg (co-supervisor:
J.-M. Pierson)
- Yonny
Cardenas (graduated in 2007), now research engineer at the IN2P3
Computer Center
(co-supervisor: J.-M.
- Julien
(graduated in 2007), now assistant professor at Louis
Pasteur University,
Strasbourg, France (co-supervisor:
J.-M. Pierson)
- Dejene
Ejigu (graduated in 2007), now assistant professor at
Addis-Ababa University, Ethiopia
(co-supervisor: M.
- Rachid
Saadi (graduated in 2009), now engineer at INRIA/ARLES Team,
J.-M. Pierson)
- Yaser
Fawaz (graduated in 2010), now assistant professor at Alep University, Syria (co-supervisor: M.
- Addissalem
Negash (graduated in 2010), now assistant professor at Addis-Ababa University, Ethiopia (co-supervisor:
M. Scuturici)
- Talar
Atéchian (graduated in 2010), now assistant professor at Antonine University, Beyrouth, Lebanon
- Omar
Hasan (graduated in 2010), now assstant professor at INSA de Lyon (co-supervisor: J.-M. Pierson)
- Zeina
(graduated in 2012), now post-doc at INSA de Lyon (co-supervisor: N. Bennani)
- Jingwei Miao
(ongoing thesis), now rsearch engineer at the Chinese Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology, group on the standardization of
Web Real-Time Communications (Web-RTC) (co-supervisor: S. Ben
- Tobias Mayer (ongoing
thesis), now post-doc at INSA de Lyon
(co-supervisor: H. Kosch, University of Passau, Germany (cotutelle))
- Vanessa
El-Khoury (ongoing thesis), now research/teaching assistant at the University of Passau
(co-supervisor: N.
Bennani and H. Kosch, University of Passau, Germany (cotutelle))
- Lyes
Limam (ongoing thesis)
(co-supervisor: H. Kosch, University of Passau, Germany
- Armelle-Natacha
Ndjafa-Yakou (ongoing thesis)
(co-supervisor: H. Kosch, University of Passau, Germany
- Christian
Vilsmaier (ongoing thesis)
(co-supervisor: H. Kosch, University of Passau, Germany (cotutelle))
- Yulian Yang (ongoing thesis) (co-supervisors: S. Calabretto and E. Damiani, University of Milan, Italy (cotutelle))
- Merza Klaghstan (ongoing thesis) (co-supervisors: N.
Bennani and H. Kosch, University of Passau, Germany
- Guido Lena Cota (ongoing thesis) (co-supervisors: S. Ben Mokhtar et E. Damiani - Italie (cotutelle))
- Vincent Primault (ongoing thesis) (co-supervisors: S. Ben Mokhtar)
- Albin Petit (ongoing thesis) (co-supervisors: S. Ben Mokhtar, O.
Hasan et H. Kosch, Université de Passau - Allemagne (co-tutelle))
- Stéphane Seng (ongoing thesis) (co-supervisors: O. Hasan et R. Sornin (AttestationLégale Company) ("convention CIFRE"))
The list of our recent publications is avalaible on the Web site of the LIRIS Lab.
Older publications: follow this link.