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Homepage of the WWW'2012 posters application

Name of the application

WWW’2012 posters app

About this app

Our application aims at augmenting the WWW’2012 posters session. Targeted users are conference attendees owning a recent, internet-enabled mobile device. During the conference, each poster will be given a QRCode. Flashing that code (eventually inside the webapp for browsers that support device API or capture input type) leads to a poster homepage, which provides numerous services: (i) information access (associated metadata, published PDF file, video presentation if any…); (ii) navigation among metadata (following links on authors, publications and keywords), Metadata are accessed through SWDF and enriched by DBLP and DuckDuckGo!. During the navigation, users construct their own local ontology and classify it on client side using OWLReasoner JS engine; (iii) miscellaneous functions that will link posters metadata and user’s personal metadata storage (e.g. posters that may be of interest, vote for this poster, etc.).

This app participates in the WWW'2012 metadata challenge - vote for us ;-).

Development team

This app is designed and developped by 1 researcher and 7 students of the University of Lyon (Université Lyon 1), Lyon, France.

People and affiliations

Project manager
Core developers
Other developers

Web access

The application is available at

Application description

Download the PDF description of the app

Application details

This page contains diagrams describing the global architecture of our application.


Creative Commons License
WWW'2012 posters app by Lionel Médini is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at