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others [2019/01/09 18:44]
mplantev [PC Membership]
others [2019/05/17 06:31]
mplantev [PC Membership]
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 ====== PC Membership ====== ====== PC Membership ======
-  * [[|ECMLPKDD'19 guest editorial board]],  [[|ECMLPKDD'19]],[[|SDM'19]], [[|IJCAI'19]], [[|EGC'19]]+  * [[|ECMLPKDD'19 guest editorial board]],  [[|ECMLPKDD'19]],[[|SDM'19]], [[|IJCAI'19]], [[|EGC'19]], [[|SFC'19]]
   * [[|AAAI'18]],  [[|ECML PKDD 2018 journal track]], [[|ECMLPKDD'18]], [[| SIAM DM'18]], [[|EGC'18]],[[|ISMIS'18]], [[|IDA'18]].   * [[|AAAI'18]],  [[|ECML PKDD 2018 journal track]], [[|ECMLPKDD'18]], [[| SIAM DM'18]], [[|EGC'18]],[[|ISMIS'18]], [[|IDA'18]].
   * [[|SIAM DM'17]], [[|ECML PKDD'17]], [[|EGC'17]], [[|IDA'17]], [[|IJCAI'17]],[[|ISMIS'17]]   * [[|SIAM DM'17]], [[|ECML PKDD'17]], [[|EGC'17]], [[|IDA'17]], [[|IJCAI'17]],[[|ISMIS'17]]
others.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/26 16:28 by mplantev

CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon