This webpage contains several fast implementations of state-of-the-art mass transportation algorithms [to be continued]. Bug reports to be sent to .
These files are free under the New BSD Licence. They may however
depend on open source libraries under different licenses (FFTW is GPL v2 or later, CImg.h is CeCILL-C, LEMON is Boost v1.0).
I strived to make these codes easy to compile and test, and to make them efficient (probably at the expense of readability). Please acknowledge the authors of the original papers.
I extracted the meat from the LEMON library to make the mass transport computation feasible using only 2 header files that are more efficient than the original ones and that do not require the installation of LEMON. A previous version of this was used in my displacement interpolation paper albeit with the LEMON dependency. The code is now multi-threaded.