Articles ======== * `On Directly Mapping Relational Databases to RDF and OWL`__. Juan Sequeda, Marcelo Arenas, Daniel Miranker. WWW 2012. __ _static/articles/sequeda_2012.pdf * `Template-based Question Answering Over RDF Data`__. Christina Unger, Lorenz Bühmann, Jens Lehmann, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Daniel Gerber, Philipp Cimiano. WWW 2012. __ _static/articles/unger_2012.pdf * `Holistic and Scalable Ontology Alignment for Linked Open Data`__. Toni Gruetze , Christoph Böhm , Felix Naumann. LDOW 2012. __ _static/articles/gruetze_2012.pdf * `OWL: Yet to arrive on the Web of Data?`__. Birte Glimm , Aidan Hogan , Markus Krötzsch , Axel Polleres. LDOW 2012. __ _static/articles/glimm_2012.pdf * `Concept-Based Semantic Difference in Expressive Description Logics`__. Rafael S. Gonçalves, Bijan Parsia and Ulrike Sattler. ISWC 2012. __ _static/articles/goncalves_2012.pdf * `Hybrid SPARQL Queries: Fresh vs. Fast Results`__. Jürgen Umbrich, Marcel Karnstedt, Aidan Hogan and Josiane Xavier Parreira. ISWC 2012. __ _static/articles/umbrich_2012.pdf * `Ontology Constraints in Incomplete and Complete Data`__. Peter Patel-Schneider and Enrico Franconi. ISWC 2012. __ _static/articles/patelschneider_2012.pdf * `SRBench: A Streaming RDF/SPARQL Benchmark`__. Ying Zhang, Minh-Duc Pham, Oscar Corcho and Jean Paul Calbimonte ISWC 2012. __ _static/articles/zhang_2012.pdf * `A publishing pipeline for Linked Government Data`__. Fadi Maali, Richard Cyganiak and Vassilios Peristeras. ESWC 2012. __ _static/articles/maali_2012.pdf * `Graph Kernels for RDF data`__. Uta Lösch, Stephan Bloehdorn and Achim Rettinger. ESWC 2012 __ _static/articles/loesch_2012.pdf * `Preserving Information Content in RDF using Bounded Homomorphisms`__. Audun Stolpe and Martin G. Skjæveland. ESWC 2012 __ _static/articles/stolpe_2012.pdf * `Exchange and Consumption of Huge RDF Data`__. Miguel A. Martinez-Prieto, Mario Arias Gallego and Javier D. Fernández. ESWC 2012 __ _static/articles/martinez_2012.pdf