Basic CSS

Presenter Notes

1.   Introduction

author:Pierre-Antoine Champin
address:Département Informatique, IUT Lyon 1

Contrat Creative Commons

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2.   Notion of stylesheet

  • CSS stands for Cascading StyleSheet
  • A stylesheet defines, for every semantic markup, how it is to be presented
  • Ensures consistency across the document
    • ... or even the whole website.

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Specifying a stylesheet in HTML

In the <head> element, either as an external stylesheet:

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
        href="mystyle.css" />

or as an internal (embeded) stylesheet:

  <style type="text/css">
    /* your CSS here */

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Playing around

Have a look at .

  • Copy the file sample-html.txt,
  • rename it to sample-html.html,
  • create a stylesheet named style.css in the same directory,
  • and watch the presentation of the HTML file change.

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3.   CSS Rule

  • CSS defines presentation in terms of rules
  • Typically, a rule has three parts:
    • a selector
    • an attribute
    • an value
em { font-style: italic }
  • “Text in the <em> tag should be in italic.”

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Combining rules (1)

  • Several similar rules can coexist:
em   { font-style: italic }
em   { color: blue }
cite { font-style: italic }
cite { color: blue }

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Combining rules (2)

  • Rules can be grouped:
    • several selectors, separated by commas (“,”)
    • several attribute-value pairs, separated by semicolons (“;”)
em, cite { font-style: italic; color: blue }
  • “Text in either the <em> or the <cite> tag should be both in italic and blue.”

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4.   Font attributes

  • font-style:
    • normal
    • italic
    • oblique
  • font-weight:
    • normal
    • bold
    • bolder
    • lighter
    • or a value between 100 and 900 (400 = normal)
    • NB: many fonts only support normal and bold
  • font-variant:
    • normal
    • small-caps
    • NB: small-caps are still smaller than regular caps
    • example: Pierre-Antoine Champin
  • font-family:
    • (see afterwards)
  • font-size:
    • (see afterwards)

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Specific font families

Either the font must be installed on the system (fragile!), or declared as followed:

  font-family: MyNiftyFont;
  src: url(''),


It may be necessary to provide the font in several formats in order to maximize compatibility with various browsers.

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Generic font families

Will work in any browser, but appearance may vary:

  • serif
  • sans-serif
  • cursive
  • fantasy
  • monospace

Good practice, when using specific fonts, is to provide a generic fallback:

font-family: MyNiftyFont, Times New Roman, serif

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Font size

Font size is typically represented in points

body {  font-size: 12pt ; }

or relatively to the font size of the enclosing element:

h1 {  font-size: 150% ; }

CSS also provides a number of other units, either absolute (cm, mm, px...) or relative (em, ex...).

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5.   Text attributes

  • text-decoration:
    • none
    • underline
    • overline
    • line-through
    • blink
  • text-transform:
    • none
    • capitalize
    • uppercase
    • lowercase
    • NB: uppercase is different from small-caps
  • text-align:
    • left
    • center
    • right
    • justify
  • color:
    • (see afterwards)
  • background-color:
    • (see afterwards)

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Colors in CSS: RGB


em { color: #f00 }                 /* #rgb */
em { color: #ff0000 }           /* #rrggbb */
em { color: rgb(255,0,0) }
em { color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) }

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Colors in CSS: other ways

  • keywords: black, white, red, green, blue, yellow...
  • transparency (alpha): rgba(r,g,b,a) where a variew between 0.0 (invisible) and 1.0 (opaque)
  • for more, see

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6.   Positioning and size

The CSS boxing model:


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Margin and padding

The margin and padding properties can be used as a shortcut, or their *-top, *-bottom, *-left and *-right variants can be used for more control

p {
  padding: 1em;
  margin-top: 0.5cm ; margin-bottom 0.7cm;
  margin-left: 2cm;  margin-right: 1cm;

NB: the em unit equals the current font-size

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  • border-width: a length and a unit
  • border-style:
    • none
    • solid
    • dashed
    • dotted
    • double
    • groove
    • ridge
    • inset
    • outset
  • border-color: a color

The three can also be combined (in that order) withing property border.

border: 1px solid red ;

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The size of a box can be set with the width and height attribute (using either relative or absolute lengths).

For example, this paragraph has ``width: 50%``, which makes it occupy half of the width of the page.

Sizes can also be more loosely constrained with the min-width, min-height, max-with and max-height attributes.

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Floating elements

Some images (or inserts)
<img src="img/monalisa.jpg">
are outside the normal flow of text. Instead
they “float” on the right (or left) of the text.

will normaly be rendered as

Some images (or inserts) are outside the normal flow of text. Instead they “float” on the right (or left) of the text.

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With the following CSS,

img { float: right; /* can also be left */ }

you will get:

Some images (or inserts) are outside the normal flow of text. Instead they “float” on the right (or left) of the text.

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7.   Selectors

More complex selectors can be used to select elements based on their context:

p em { /* applies to any <em> inside a <p>
          — even indirectly */ }

p>em { /* applies to any <em> directly
          inside a <p> */ }

h1+p { /* applies to any <p> directly
          following a <h1> */ }

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Class and id attributes

HTML allows the class and id attribute on any tag:

  • class: a space-separated list of class names
  • id: an identifier for the element
<ul id="contents">...</ul>

<p class="summary funny">...</p>

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Class and id selectors

CSS allows to select elements based on their id or class, even regardless of their tag.

p.summary  { /* any <p> with class 'summary' */ }

.funny     { /* any element with class 'funny' */ }

p#contents { /* the 'contents' element if it is
                a <p> */ }

#contents em { /* any <em> in the 'contents'
                  element */ }

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em { font-style: italic }

.summary em { font-style: normal;
              font-weight: bold }

How should the following look?

<p class="summary">This summary
is <em>short</em>.</p>

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Priority (solution)

The HTML in last slide should look like:

This summary is short.

Intuitively, the most specific rules takes precedence here.

CSS priority (“cascading”) rules are complex, but usually match the intuition/intent of the author:

→ (most of the time) they do what one would expect.

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Pseudo-classes are automatically attached to elements based on some features they have:

a:link    { /* matches any unvisited link */ }

a:visited { /* matches any visited link */ }

:hover    { /* matches any element when the
               mouse pointer is hovering
               on it */ }

li:first-child { /* matches the first <li>
                    of a list */ }

li:last-child { /* can't you guess? */ }

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Pseudo-elements are parts of a text that is not explicitly tagged, but can be assigned a specific style.

h1:first-letter { /* 1st letter of any <h1> */ }

h1+p:first-line { /* 1st line of any <p>
                     following a <h1> */ }

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8.   En savoir plus

(toutes les pages de ces deux derniers sont des présentations différentes pour le même HTML!)

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