Tal4Rdf Silex team 

HTTP-based service documentation

An HTTP-based service for rendering T4R template is available at:

<http://liris.cnrs.fr/~pchampin/t4r/demo> [1]

It accepts GET and POST request, with the following parameters (other parameters will be silently ignored but nevertheless passed through to the template, see Context variables).

  • tu (Template URL)
  • ts (Template Source)
  • tt (Template mimeType)
  • r (Resource URI)
  • gu (Graph URL)
  • gs (Graph Source)
  • gt (Graph mimeType)

The template must be specified either with tu or the pair ts and tt. If tu is given, ts and tt will be ignored, and the mimetype will be retrieved as metadata through tu.

The resource URI r must be provided. If no graph is otherwise specified (see below), this URI is also used to retrieve RDF data.

If the URI of the resource is not appropriate to retrieve the RDF graph, the latter may be specified either with gu or the pair gs and gt. If gu is given, gs and gt will be ignored, and the mimetype will be retrieved as metadata through gu.

The special URI fyn: can be provided as the graph URL gu. This stands for “follow your nose”: everytime information about a resource is required, this resource URI is retrieved, then rdfs:seeAlso and owl:sameAs links are also followed. Note that in order to prevent DOS attacks on the service, only 10 retrieval are allowed for a request with the fyn: graph.


[1]This URL is likely to change in the future

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