This mission consists in supporting universities, especially located in emerging countries to create research laboratories and doctoral schools in computing.
- difficulties in organizing joint PhD's with universities located in emerging countries, because research is not very developed
- demand of the faculty members of those countries for being put (again) on the research track
- difficulties of inserting previous Ph'D students returning in their own countries
- necessity of fresh doctoral students, and of international collaborations
- Assisting or accompanying colleagues in foreign universities to define and to organize research activities
- Helping them to create innovating research projects, based on local expertise, societal and economic demand, and raisable funds
- Facilitating bilateral cooperations and joint PhD's
- Consulting for the creation of faithful research laboratories and doctoral schools
- Identify local expertise
- Analyze local societal and economic demand, and organizations able to give funds
- Identify possible synergies with INSA
- Define research objectives at short and medium terms
- Be aware of local administrative rules and organizations
- Propose local research plans and structures
- Look for opportunities
- Plan key-steps
Outcomes for INSA
- Setting cooperations on certain long-run key-domains
- Attracting fresh PhD students
- Proposing to senior researchers to submit a research habilation degree at INSA
- Best positioning at international level, and increasing efficency to get international financing
Current actions
UNLP, Universidad Nacional de La Plata/Buenos Aires, Argentina from 1997
- Local Situation: existence of a laboratory (LIFIA) headed by a single doctor and consisting of several research staff without PhD;
existence of high level students; will of creating a doctoral school; will of increasing relationships with Europe.
- Strategic choices: Setting of a research program; creation of a faculty in computing; two PhD's theses with INSA-Lyon (first submitted in 2001, second in Autumn 2003);
signature of a cooperation contract with INSA. Collaborations with some other European Universities
- Future planning: Research habitation to be submitted in 2003/2004; then creation of a doctoral school in computing.
UDLAP, Universidad de las Américas de Puebla, Mexico from 1999
- Local Situation: Existence of embryo of a laboratory (CENTIA); strong will of developping research and exchange with Europe
- Strategic choices: Setting of a research program; setting of a doctoral school; inception of two PhD's in joint supervision (INSA and UDLAP)
in october 2002; signature of a collaboration agreement.
- Future planning: Following-up and extension of the agreement.
Dhar Mehraz Faculty of the University of Fez, Morocco from January 2002
- Local Situation: Strong will of starting a research program and Ph.D in joint supervsion with France
- Strategic choices: Setting of a research program. Inception of a DESA (=Master in Computing) in October 2002; creation of a laboratory
devoted to m-tourism.
Starting of PhD in common
- Future planning: Extension of the agreement; other Masters and PhD in common. Consultation for the creation of a Computing Department
in a new school of engineering (ENSAF).
University of Addis Abeba, Ethiopia from October 2003
- Local Situation: Strong will of starting a research program and PhD in joint supervsion with France; some funds from French Embassy
- Strategic choices: Beginning of the setting of a research program, teaching at Master level.
Several PhD's already defended or prepared at INSA-Lyon.
- Future planning: Extension of the agreement; other Masters and PhD in common. Creation of a lab.
Professor Robert LAURINI:
LIRIS - Bât. Blaise Pascal
INSA de Lyon
F - 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex
Tel: +33 (0) 4 72 43 81 72
MSG: +33 (0) 4 72 43 85 88
Fax: +33 (0) 4 72 43 87 13