Graphics for Algo/Prog in C/C++

◆ isKeyPressed()

int grapic::isKeyPressed ( int  key)

return the number of time the key 'key' has been pressed since the last call to this function.

if (isKeyPressed(SDLK_LEFT)) { ... } // test if the left arrow is pressed
if (isKeyPressed(SDLK_LEFT)) { ... } // if the left arrow is pressed then do ...
if (isKeyPressed(SDLK_a)) { ... } // if the key 'a' is pressed then do ...
if (isKeyPressed('a')) { ... } // if the key 'a' is pressed then do ...
int isKeyPressed(int key)
return the number of time the key 'key' has been pressed since the last call to this function.
Definition: Grapic.h:453