Current PhD student co-supervisions

  • Ata Kamal (2022--). Subject: interpretable deep neural networks. Co-supervised with Marc Plantevit.
  • Arthur Batel (2022--). Subject: Améliorer le dépistage de troubles psychiatriques grâce à l'intelligence artificielle. Co-supervised with Marc Plantevit. Funding: ANR PORTRAIT.
  • Thibaut Chataing (2022--). Subject: Construction de modèles de classification supervisée à partir de données provenant d'un réseau d'experts. Co-supervised with Marc Plantevit.
  • Léonard Tschora (2020--). Subject: Machine Learning Techniques for electricity prices forecasting. Co-supervised with Marc Plantevit.
  • Timothée Chane-Hai (2020--). Subject: Guidage des métaheuristiques par machine-learning. Co-supervised with Thibaud Monteiro and Samuel Vercraene.
  • Rafael Ramos Tubino (2019--). Subject: Machine Learning and Network Analysis for Understanding the Nature of Activities in Cryptocurrencies. Co-supervised with Rémy Cazabet. Funding: ANR JCJC BITUNAM.

Past PhD students

  • Ruggero Pensa co-supervised with Jean-François Boulicaut. Title: Co-clustering under constraints. Defended November 21, 2006. Reviewers Céline Rouveirol - université Paris 13 and Bruno Crémilleux - université de Caen. Funding: ministerial scholarship.
  • Ronan Hamon co-supervised with Patrick Flandrin and Pierre Borgnat. Title: Analyse de réseaux temporels par des méthodes de traitement du signal : application au système de vélos en libre-service à Lyon. Defended September 30, 2015. Funding: regional scholarship (ARC 5 et ARC 6). Thesis award from Abertis chair 2016.
  • Ahmed Anes Bendimerad co-supervised with Marc Plantevit. Title : Mining Useful Patterns in Attributed Graphs. Defended September 5, 2019. Reviwers: Aristides Gionis - Aalto University et Marie-Christine Rousset - université Grenoble Alpes. Funding: research agreement with Thales R & D. Thesis award, EGC 2020.
  • Aimene Belfodil co-supervised with Mehdi Kaytoue. Title An Order Theoretic Point-of-view on Subgroup Discovery. Defended September 30, 2019. Reviewers Bruno Crémilleux - université de Caen et Bernhard Ganter - Technische Universitaet Dresden. Funding: CIFRE Mobile devices.
  • Mohamed Ali Hammal (2016--2020). Subject: Analysis of territorial systems and food networks using data mining and cartographic representation approaches. Co-supervised with Luc Merchez. Funding: Labex IMU, RESALI project.
  • Louis Duvivier (2018--2021). Subject: Automatic detection of the structure of interactions within complex systems by modeling and compression of graphs. Co-supervised with Rémy Cazabet. Funding: ENS scholarship.
  • Corentin Lonjarret (2018--2021). Subject: Data mining methods for the analysis of social networks and opinions. Co-supervised with Marc Plantevit. Funding: CIFRE VISIATIV.
  • Mohamed Benabdelkrim (2017--2021) Subject: Development of new algorithms for detecting communities in heterogeneous information networks. Co-supervised with Jean Savinien. Funding: emlyon Business School.
  • Luca Veyrin-Forrer (2019--2023). Subject: Machine Learning meets Data Mining: Towards sparse and interpretable deep neural networks. Co-supervised with Marc Plantevit and Stefan Duffner. Funding: IDEXLYON Academics project.

Conference and journal duty

  • Program chair for ECML PKDD 2019.
  • Associate Editor for springer Knowledge and Information Systems journal.
  • Journal track chair for ECML PKDD 2016
  • Tutorial chair, with Céline Rouveirol for ECML PKDD 2014 conference
  • Area Chairs for IJCAI 2017 and 2019 -- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  • Area chair for IEEE ICDM 2016 and 2018 -- IEEE International Conference on Data Mining.
  • Area chair for SDM 2010, 2011, 2016, 2017, 2018 -- SIAM Data Mining.
  • Program chair of IDA 2009 -- International symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis.