2006- Habilitation à diriger la Recherche, Université Lyon 1
Modeling Complex Shapes.1997- PhD Thesis in computer science, Université Lyon 1
Metamorphosing and Rendering Soft Objects1993- Computer engineering degree award at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (computer science), Masters Thesis Université Lyon 1
Appointments held
2017- Full professor (computer graphics) Université Lyon 1.
2012- First class professor rank.
2008- Full professor (computer graphics) Université Lyon 2.
1998- Assitant professor (computer graphics), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Chairing and Editorship
Associate Editor for Computer Graphics Forum (2019-2022)
Chairing international conferences: Eurographics 2019 Educational Track, Conference Chair Eurographics 2017, Short Papers Chair Eurographics 2014, Conference Chair VriPhys 2011, Conference and Full Paper Chair Shape Modeling International 2007, Short Papers Chair Eurographics 2004. Workshop Chair and Paper Chair Eurographics Natural Phenomena 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Selected Program Committees
Besides the reviewing duties related to program committee obligations I am reviewer for various journals (e.g. ACM TOG, CGF, IEEE CG&A, C&G, TVC) and conferences (Eurographics, Pacific Graphics, ACM SIGGRAPH, SMI). I participated in the creation of the French Chapter of Eurographics in 2003, president in 2006-2009 and vice president 2015-2018
Organisation and participation to national projects:
2023-2027 : ANR EOLE (450k€)
2021-2024 : ANR AMPLI (430k€)
2016-2020 : ANR HDW (300k€)
2015-2019 : PAPAYA (350k€)
2012-2015 : MANGO (150k€)
2012-2014 : FUI ROBOT POPULI (225k€)
2010-2014 : ANR DNA (150k€)
2007-2010 : FUI GENAC 2 (200k€)
2022-2025: Responsible of the Computer Science Masters, Lyon - Saint Etienne.
2018-2025: Elected member of the Computer Science department Board.
2014-2019: Elected member of the LIRIS Board.
2012-2015: Member of the AC of pôle de compétitivité Rhône Alpes Imaginove.
2003-2025: Member of French Eurographics Chapter Board.