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Short presentation

  • full time associate professor (HdR) at the Computer Science Department of the INSA-Lyon since 2004
  • researcher at the LIRIS, member of the DRIM team
  • working on knowledge management in documents and document manipulation assistance


  • CATI discover and annotate very large document collections through a web GUI
  • Adnosco Chrome plugin keep a trace of the information you upload on webpages


IDENUM Identités Numériques. Event detection and trecking on social networks (fr)

1M Image visualization

more on my research page


Bur. 318, Bâtiment Blaise PASCAL, INSA-Lyon
7 Av.Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex - France
Tel : 00 33 (0)4 72 43 62 97, Fax : 00 33 (0)4 72 43 87 13

email: elod.egyed-zsigmond [at] insa-lyon.fr

homepage.txt · Dernière modification: 2021/09/08 06:01 de eegyedzs

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