Here are the people with which I had the chance to work:
- Laurent Beaudou (LIMOS, Clermont Ferrand)
- Gabriel Beaulieu (Univ. Sherbrooke, Canada)
- Jean-Pierre Boutin (IUT Bourg en Bresse, Lyon 1)
- Kyle Burke (Wittenberg University, USA)
- Paul Dorbec (LaBRI, Bordeaux 1)
- Brice Effantin (LIRIS, Lyon 1)
- Aviezri Fraenkel (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israël)
- Sylvain Gravier (Institut Fourier, Grenoble)
- Hamamache Kheddouci (LIRIS, Lyon 1)
- Mehdi Mhalla (LIG, Grenoble 1)
- Julien Moncel (IUT Rodez, Toulouse 1)
- Richard Nowakowski (Dalhousie University, Canada)
- Gabriel Renault (LaBRI, Bordeaux 1)
- Michel Rigo (Université de Ličge, Belgique)
- Hamida Seba (LIRIS, Lyon 1)
- Amin Tahraoui (LIRIS, Lyon 1)