Core 1.0
BoxSet2 Class Reference

A simple set of boxes. More...

#include <boxset.h>

Public Member Functions

double Area () const
 Area of union of rectangles.
bool Inside (const Vector2 &) const
 Check if a point is inside the set.
Box2 GetBox () const
 Compute the bounding box.
double R (const Vector2 &) const
 Compute the squared distance between a point and the set of boxes.
double Signed (const Vector2 &) const
 Compute the signed distance between a point and the set of boxes.
Vector2 RandomInside (Random &=Random::R239) const
 Generate a random vector inside the box set.
void Draw (QGraphicsScene &, const QPen &, const QBrush &) const
 Draw the set of boxes.

Protected Attributes

QVector< Box2boxes
 Set of boxes.

Detailed Description

A simple set of boxes.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Area()

double BoxSet2::Area ( ) const

Area of union of rectangles.

For a given set of rectangles, it gives the area of the union. This problem is sometines called the Klee's measure problem [Klee77].

Implementation of Bentley's plane-sweep algorithm. First apply the coordinate compression technique. Then the y-structure, which is called measure tree, is simply implemented by using segment tree data structure.

Complexity: O(n log n) time and O(n) space.

References: V. Klee (1977). Can the measure of U[a_i, b_i] be computed in less than O(n log n) steps? American Mathematical Monthly, 84, 284-285.

◆ Draw()

void BoxSet2::Draw ( QGraphicsScene & scene,
const QPen & pen,
const QBrush & brush ) const

Draw the set of boxes.

sceneGraphics scene.
penThe pen.
brushThe brush.

◆ GetBox()

Box2 BoxSet2::GetBox ( ) const

Compute the bounding box.

See also
Box2::Box2(const QVector<Box2>&)

◆ Inside()

bool BoxSet2::Inside ( const Vector2 & p) const

Check if a point is inside the set.

Brute force algorithm, simply check all boxes.


◆ R()

double BoxSet2::R ( const Vector2 & p) const

Compute the squared distance between a point and the set of boxes.

pThe point.

◆ RandomInside()

Vector2 BoxSet2::RandomInside ( Random & random = Random::R239) const

Generate a random vector inside the box set.

randomRandom number generator.

◆ Signed()

double BoxSet2::Signed ( const Vector2 & p) const

Compute the signed distance between a point and the set of boxes.

pThe point.