Core 1.0
Planar core geometric classes are a subset of core classes that implement objects in the plane. More...
Classes | |
class | Annulus2 |
An annulus, the region between two concentric circles. More... | |
class | Box2 |
Axis aligned box in the plane. More... | |
class | BoxSet2 |
A simple set of boxes. More... | |
class | Capsule2 |
A line-swept-cricle. More... | |
class | Circle2 |
Circles in the plane. More... | |
class | CircleArc2 |
Circle arcs in the plane. More... | |
class | Clothoid2 |
Clothoid curves. More... | |
class | Convex2 |
Convex polygons in the plane. More... | |
class | CubicCurve2 |
Cubic curves in the plane. More... | |
class | QuadricCurve2 |
Quadric curves in the plane. More... | |
class | QuadricCurve2Set |
Piecewise quadric curves. More... | |
class | CubicCurve2Set |
Piecewise cubic curves in the plane. More... | |
class | Diamond2 |
A diamond in the plane. More... | |
class | Disc2 |
A disc in two dimensions. More... | |
class | Dla2 |
A diffusion limited aggregation class. More... | |
class | Ellipse2 |
Axis aligned ellipses. More... | |
class | Frame2 |
Solid transformations in the plane. More... | |
class | OrientedBox2 |
An oriented box. More... | |
class | GeometricGraph2 |
A simple geometric graph. More... | |
class | Hexagon2 |
Flat topped hexagon in the plane. More... | |
class | HexagonAlpha2 |
Hexagon with arbitrary orientations. More... | |
class | IRect2 |
Axis aligned integer rectangle. More... | |
class | IrregularOctogon |
Irregular octogon (in the plane). More... | |
class | Line2 |
Lines in the plane. More... | |
class | SegmentSet2 |
Set of line segments in the plane. More... | |
class | Mesh2 |
Planar triangle mesh. ,. More... | |
class | Octogon2 |
Regular Octogons (in the plane). More... | |
class | Pentagon2 |
Flat topped pentagon in the plane. More... | |
class | Polygon2 |
Polygons in the plane. More... | |
class | Polygons2 |
Set of disjoint polygons. More... | |
class | Quadrangle2 |
Convex quadrangles in the plane. More... | |
class | Ray2 |
A ray characterized by its origin an unit direction vector. More... | |
class | Rectangles2 |
Rectangles in the plane. More... | |
class | DiscTile |
Poisson tiling. More... | |
class | Sector2 |
Intersection between a cone and a circle in the plane. More... | |
class | Segment2 |
Segments in the plane. More... | |
class | SmoothBox2 |
A box domain with a cubic falloff. More... | |
class | SmoothDisc2 |
A disc domain with a cubic falloff. More... | |
class | SmoothEllipse2 |
An ellipse with a smooth falloff, resembles a compact scaled Gaussian. More... | |
class | SmoothVertex2 |
A vertex skeleton with a cubic falloff. More... | |
class | Triangle2 |
Base minimum storage triangle class in the plane. More... | |
class | Twist2 |
The twist deformation in the plane. More... | |
class | VectorSet2 |
A simple set of vectors in the plane. More... | |
Planar core geometric classes are a subset of core classes that implement objects in the plane.
Several types of objects are implemented both in the plane and in space, such as Disc or Disc2.