Core 1.0
Planar geometric classes

Planar core geometric classes are a subset of core classes that implement objects in the plane. More...


class  Annulus2
 An annulus, the region between two concentric circles. More...
class  Box2
 Axis aligned box in the plane. More...
class  BoxSet2
 A simple set of boxes. More...
class  Capsule2
 A line-swept-cricle. More...
class  Circle2
 Circles in the plane. More...
class  CircleArc2
 Circle arcs in the plane. More...
class  Clothoid2
 Clothoid curves. More...
class  Convex2
 Convex polygons in the plane. More...
class  CubicCurve2
 Cubic curves in the plane. More...
class  QuadricCurve2
 Quadric curves in the plane. More...
class  QuadricCurve2Set
 Piecewise quadric curves. More...
class  CubicCurve2Set
 Piecewise cubic curves in the plane. More...
class  Diamond2
 A diamond in the plane. More...
class  Disc2
 A disc in two dimensions. More...
class  Dla2
 A diffusion limited aggregation class. More...
class  Ellipse2
 Axis aligned ellipses. More...
class  Frame2
 Solid transformations in the plane. More...
class  OrientedBox2
 An oriented box. More...
class  GeometricGraph2
 A simple geometric graph. More...
class  Hexagon2
 Flat topped hexagon in the plane. More...
class  HexagonAlpha2
 Hexagon with arbitrary orientations. More...
class  IRect2
 Axis aligned integer rectangle. More...
class  IrregularOctogon
 Irregular octogon (in the plane). More...
class  Line2
 Lines in the plane. More...
class  SegmentSet2
 Set of line segments in the plane. More...
class  Mesh2
 Planar triangle mesh. ,. More...
class  Octogon2
 Regular Octogons (in the plane). More...
class  Pentagon2
 Flat topped pentagon in the plane. More...
class  Polygon2
 Polygons in the plane. More...
class  Polygons2
 Set of disjoint polygons. More...
class  Quadrangle2
 Convex quadrangles in the plane. More...
class  Ray2
 A ray characterized by its origin an unit direction vector. More...
class  Rectangles2
 Rectangles in the plane. More...
class  DiscTile
 Poisson tiling. More...
class  Sector2
 Intersection between a cone and a circle in the plane. More...
class  Segment2
 Segments in the plane. More...
class  SmoothBox2
 A box domain with a cubic falloff. More...
class  SmoothDisc2
 A disc domain with a cubic falloff. More...
class  SmoothEllipse2
 An ellipse with a smooth falloff, resembles a compact scaled Gaussian. More...
class  SmoothVertex2
 A vertex skeleton with a cubic falloff. More...
class  Triangle2
 Base minimum storage triangle class in the plane. More...
class  Twist2
 The twist deformation in the plane. More...
class  VectorSet2
 A simple set of vectors in the plane. More...

Detailed Description

Planar core geometric classes are a subset of core classes that implement objects in the plane.

Several types of objects are implemented both in the plane and in space, such as Disc or Disc2.