Core 1.0
Sun Class Reference

Position of the sun in the sky. More...

#include <sun.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static void Angles (const double &, const double &, int, int, int, const double &, double &, double &)
 Compute azimuth and altitude angles of Sun given a location and datetime.

Static Protected Member Functions

static double Day (int, int, int, double)
 Get the days to J2000.
static double f0 (double, double)
 Compute the hour-angle.
static double FNsun (double, double &, double &, double &)

Detailed Description

Position of the sun in the sky.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Angles()

void Sun::Angles ( const double & latit,
const double & longit,
int year,
int month,
int day,
const double & hour,
double & azim,
double & altit )

Compute azimuth and altitude angles of Sun given a location and datetime.

Azimuth is measured in degrees clockwise from north. Elevation is measured in degrees up from the horizon.

latit,longitLatitude and longitude.
azim,altitReturned azimth and altitude.

◆ Day()

double Sun::Day ( int y,
int m,
int d,
double h )

Get the days to J2000.

Only works between 1901 to 2099.

hUniversal time, in decimal hours.
y,m,dYear, month and day.

◆ f0()

double Sun::f0 ( double lat,
double declin )

Compute the hour-angle.

lat,declinLatitude and declination.

◆ FNsun()

double Sun::FNsun ( double d,
double & L,
double & RA,
double & delta )

Compute the ecliptic longitude of the sun.