Fabien Duchateau

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Fabien Duchateau
Associate professor

+33 (0)4 72 44 58 25
firstname.lastname [at] univ-lyon1.fr

Bureau 12.057, bâtiment Nautibus
Campus de la Doua
8, Bd Niels Bohr
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex

Since September 2011, I am an associate professor at Université Lyon 1 for lectures and at LIRIS for research, in the database team.

In 2010, I obtained a 18-months postdoctoral fellowship sponsored by ERCIM. I spent the first part of my fellowship at CWI, The Netherlands. Lynda Hardman was my scientific supervisor there. Then I joined the team of Trond Aalberg at NTNU, Norway.

In November 2009, I obtained my Ph.D. in computer science at the LIRMM, University of Montpellier II, France. My Ph.D. supervisor was Zohra Bellahsène. The title of my Ph.D. thesis is 'towards a generic approach for schema matcher selection: leveraging user pre- and post-match effort for improving quality and time performance'.

My main research interests are data integration, schema and ontology matching, entity matching, semantic web and machine learning, mainly applied to the geographic information system and digital libraries domains.

You can download my detailed CV (last update in 2022).