
Multi-Agents for modelling Complex Systems (MA4CS)

October 4th, 2007

Satellite Workshop of
the European Conference on Complex Systems  2007 (ECCS'07)
Dersden, Germany , October 1-6, 2007

ECCS Spciety

Goals and Topics





Goals and Topics

The aim of this workshop is to provide a focal forum for active researchers, practitioners, developers involved in  modeling complex systems using the multi-agents paradigm, from different disciplines (biology, economy, sociology, urbanism, cognitive science, computer science, etc) . The idea behind this meeting is to cross fertilize and foster research activities of these different domains. One first step to achieve with this workshop is to come up with hot issues raised in different disciplines for which multi-agents modelling seems to bring an interesting direction to face complexity. This first step is aimed to enhance multi-disciplinary cooperative research using multi-agents modelling. In particuliar, this workshop is aimed to address the following non exhaustive list of issues:
  • answers that are provided so far by the multi-agents paradigm in terms of theories, models, programming or simulation tools, to the problems raised by complex systems in different disciplines;
  • specific questions from the complex systems perspective, that a specific domain (biology, cognitive sciences, computer science, economy, etc.) would like  to ask to the multi-agents community? and which answers, inspirations could these disciplines bring to the multi-agents modelling and multi-agents based engineering/modelling ?
  • general questions raised by complex systems  would  one submit to the multi-agents research?
  • multi-agents systems engineering  from the perspective of complex systems addresses important issues like convergence, emergence, self-organization, autonomy versus control, scalability, etc? How could complex systems theories help to understand and implement these issues in an engineering context?
  • etc,
In the context of this workshop, four thematic areas are of particular interests: Biology, Cognition, Socio-Economiy, Information Technology and Computing. A technial track is associated to each thematic area, where  multi-agents systems  are considered from the perspectives of their potential to model complex systems in each of the specified disciplines  as well as from the perspective of the inspirations they could take from theses different domains, as a modelling/computing paradigm for complex systems.
  • Track 1 : Multi-Agents approaches for Biological Systems  / Biological inspirations for Multi-Agents Systems 
            Guillaume Beslon (LIRIS, INSA-Lyon, France),
           Vincent Chevrier (LORIA, Univ. Nancy1, France)

  • Track 2 : Multi-Agents  approaches for Cognition / Cognition in Multi-Agents Sytems
            Catherine Garbay (
    LIG - Institut IMAG, France),
            Luis Rocha (Complex Systems Group, Indiana University, USA)

  • Track 3:  Multi-Agents  approaches for Socio-Economical Systems / Socio-Economical Systems inspirations for MAS
            Frédéric Amblard (
    SMAC, Université Toulouse III, France),
           Denise Pumain (Laboratoire Géographie-cités, Univ.Paris 1, France)

  • Track 4 : Multi-Agents Sytems  from the perspective of Complex Systems for Computation
              Alessandro Ricci (DEIS, Università di Bologna, Italy)
              Salima Hassas (LIESP, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France)

A list on (non exhaustive) topics follows:

  • Track 1:
    • MAS models of biological systems : from molecules to cells to animal to societies
    • Multi-scale, multi model approaches : integrating the emergent levels in biology
    • Bio inspired MAS applications (networking, transport, optimization, ..)
    • Methodology to study emergent properties in MAS models
    • Platforms and frameworks for biological MAS applications and simulations
    • ...

  • Track 2
    • Creativity, curiosity, innovation
    • Collective discovery and scientific discovery, rational agents.
    • Cooperative design
    • Stigmergy, Synergy and Cognition
    • Developmental aspects (origin and evolution of human culture, languages etc)
    • Biologically-inspired agents and cognition
    • Social aspects - Human organization - crisis management
    • Social software, on-line communities, socially situated intelligence
    • Emergence of cooperation and social networks, endogenous networks, social dilemma, social simulation
    • Comparison of cognitive paradigms (agents as a test bed for)
    • Reliability anf quality assurance
    • Serious games and cognitive training, human disfunction or mental illness
    • Living a Virtual Life: Social Dynamics of Online Gaming
    • Metamimetic Games and Social Cognition
    • ...

  • Track 3
    • Agent-based simulation of social, economic and spatial phenomena
    • Cognitive agents and social behaviour
    • Statistical techniques for agent-based simulation
    • Complex systems simulation in  human and social sciences
    • Simulation of social networks: Structural analysis, dynamics and evolution
    • Norms, conventions, opinions and attitudes dynamics
    • Comparison of simulation results with empirical data
    • Methodologic and Epistemological issues for social simulation
    • Evolutionary and behavioural game theory with MAS
    • Spatial Dynamics and analysis with multi-scaling methods
    • MAS simulation of urban networks, mobility, urban dynamics, geo-marketing, geographical economics
    • Multi-scale, multi model approaches and validation
    • Spatial units and agents
    • Financial Market and Organization Models
    • Evolutionary models in human and social sciences
    • Methodology to study emergence in artificial society
    • Platforms and frameworks for MAS applications and simulations
    • Ontologies for MAS model in spatial, economic and social sciences
    • ...

  • Track 4
    • Software enginnering as Complex Adaptive System
    • Engineering with emergence and self-organisation
    • Methodologies for MAS modelling from the perspective of Complex Systems
    • Large service oriented (SOA) systems
    • Grid based system
    • Virtual enterprises
    • P2P systems
    • Autonomic systems
    • Large IT software infrastructure
    • ...

ECCS 2007 Conference Poster
