

[P1] I. Tkachenko, W. Puech, O. Strauss, J.M. Gaudin, C. Destruel “Code visuel graphique à deux niveaux d’information et sensible à la copie, procédés de génération et de lecture d’un tel code visuel”, 2014. [pdf]


[J5] T. Yemelianenko, I. Tkachenko, T. Masclef, M. Scuturici, S. Miguet “Artwork recommendations guided by foundation models: survey and novel approach”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2025.[pdf][dataset]
[J4] T. Fountoukidou, I. Tkachenko, B. Poli, S. Miguet “Extensible portal frame bridge synthetic dataset for structural semantic segmentation”, Journal AI in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, 23, 2024.[pdf][dataset]
[J3] I. Tkachenko, A. Trémeau, T. Fournel “Authentication of rotogravure print-outs using a regular test pattern”, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 66, p. 103-133, 2022.[pdf][dataset]
[J2] I. Tkachenko, W. Puech, C. Destruel, O. Strauss, J.M. Gaudin, C. Guichard “Two level QR code for private message sharing and document authentication”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 11, n°3, March 2016.
[J1] I. Tkachenko, W. Puech, O. Strauss, J.M. Gaudin, C. Destruel, C. Guichard “Centrality bias measure for high density QR code module recognition”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 41, p. 46-60, February 2016. [pdf]

Book chapters

[B2] I. Tkachenko, A. Trémeau, T. Fournel “Protecting Documents Using Printed Anticopy Elements”, Chapter 2, "Multimedia Security 2: Biometrics, Video Surveillance and Multimedia Encryption", Wiley Online Library, John Wiley&Sons, July 2022.
[B1] I. Tkachenko, A. Trémeau, T. Fournel “Protection de documents par impression d'éléments anticopies”, Chapitre 2, "Sécurité multimédia 2: Biométrie, protection et chiffrement multimédia", ISBN ebook : 9781789490275, ISTE Group, July 2021.

International Conferences

[C23] M. Atamna, I. Tkachenko, S. Miguet, "WaveConViT: Wavelet-Based Convolutional Vision Transformer for Cross-Manipulation Deepfake Video Detection", MMforWILD Workshop ICPR, December 2024, Kolkata, India.[pdf][code]
[C22] T. Yemelianenko, I. Tkachenko, T. Masclef, M. Scuturici, S. Miguet, "An approach for dataset extension for object detection in artworks using open-vocabulary models", AI4DH Workshop ECCV, September 2024, Milan, Italy.[pdf][code]
[C21] H. Zeghidi, C. Crispim-Junior, I. Tkachenko, “CDP-Sim: Similarity metric learning to identify the fake Copy Detection Patterns”, IEEE WIFS 2023, December 2023, Nuremberg, Germany.[pdf]
[C20] T. Yemelianenko, I. Tkachenko, T. Masclef, M. Scuturici, S. Miguet, “Learning to rank approach for refining image retrieval in visual arts”, e-Heritage Workshop ICCV, October 2023, Paris, France.[pdf]
[C19] M. Atamna, I. Tkachenko, S. Miguet, “Improving generalization in facial manipulation detection using image noise residuals and temporal features”, IEEE ICIP 2023, October 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.[pdf]
[C18] T. Yemelianenko, A. Trémeau, I. Tkachenko, “Printed packaging authentication: similarity metric learning for rotogravure manufacture process identification”, VISAPP 2023, February 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.[pdf][dataset]
[C17] F. Yriarte, P. Puteaux and I. Tkachenko, “A Two-Step Method for Ensuring Printed Document Integrity using Crossing Number Distances”, IEEE WIFS 2022, December 2022, online. [pdf][code and dataset]
[C16] E. Khermaza, I. Tkachenko, J. Picard, “Can Copy Detection Patterns be copied? Evaluating the performance of attacks and highlighting the role of the detector”, IEEE WIFS 2021, December 2021, Montpellier, France. [pdf][dataset]
[C15] P. Puteaux, I. Tkachenko, “Crossing number features: from biometrics to printed character matching”, Workshop IWCDF@ICDAR 2021, September 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland. [pdf]
[C14] I. Tkachenko, A. Trémeau, T. Fournel “Fighting against medicine packaging counterfeits: rotogravure press vs cylinder signatures”, IEEE WIFS 2020, December 2020, New York, USA. [pdf]
[C13] R. Yadav, I. Tkachenko, A. Trémeau, T. Fournel “Copy Sensitive Graphical Code Estimation: Physical vs Numerical Resolution”, IEEE WIFS 2019, December 2019, Delft, Netherlands. [pdf][dataset]
[C12] R. Yadav, I. Tkachenko, A. Trémeau, T. Fournel “Estimation of copy-sensitive codes using a neuronal approach”, IH&MMSec 2019, July 2019, Paris, France. [pdf]
[C11] I. Tkachenko, A. Trémeau, T. Fournel “Authentication of medicine blister foils: characterization of the rotogravure printing process”, VISAPP 2019, February 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. [pdf]
[C10] I. Tkachenko, C. Destruel “Exploitation of redundancy for pattern estimation of copy-sensitive two level QR code”, IEEE WIFS 2018, December 2018, Hong Kong, China. [pdf]
[C9] I. Tkachenko, F. Kucharczak, C. Destruel, O. Strauss, W. Puech “Copy Sensitive Graphical Code Quality Improvement Using a Super-Resolution Technique”, IEEE ICIP 2018, October 2018, Athens, Greece. [pdf]
[C8] I. Tkachenko, P. Gomez-Krämer “Robustness of character recognition techniques to double print-and-scan process”, Workshop IWCDF@ICDAR 2017, November 2017, Kyoto, Japan. [pdf]
[C7] I. Tkachenko, C. Destruel, O. Strauss, W. Puech “Sensitivity of different correlation measures to print-and-scan process”, Electronic Imaging 2017, February 2017, Burlingame, USA. [pdf]
[C6] I. Tkachenko, W. Puech, O. Strauss, C. Destruel, J.M. Gaudin “Printed document authentication using two level QR code”, IEEE ICASSP 2016, March 2016, Shanghai, China.
[C5] I. Tkachenko, W. Puech, O. Strauss, C. Destruel “Experimental study of Print-and-Scan impact as Random process”, Electronic Imaging 2016, February 2016, San Francisco, USA. [pdf]
[C4] I. Tkachenko, W. Puech, O. Strauss, J.M. Gaudin, C. Destruel “Rich QR code for multimedia management applications”, ICIAP 2015, September 2015, Genova, Italy. [pdf]
[C3] I. Tkachenko, W. Puech, O. Strauss, J.M. Gaudin, C. Destruel, C. Guichard “Improving the module recognition rate of high density QR codes (Version 40) by using centrality bias”, IEEE IPTA 2014, October 2014, Paris, France.
[C2] I. Tkachenko, W. Puech, O. Strauss, J.M. Gaudin, C. Destruel, C. Guichard “Fighting against forged documents by using textured image”, EUSIPCO 2014, September 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. [pdf]
[C1] B. Assanovich, W. Puech, I. Tkachenko “Use of linear error-correcting subcodes in flow watermarking for channels with substitution and deletion errors”, CMS 2013, September 2013, Magdeburg, Germany. [pdf]

French national conferences

[N2] M. M. Atamna, I. Tkachenko, S. Migue “Détection de Deepfakes par Réseaux de Convolution: Performances et Limites Actuelles”, GRETSI 2022, September 2022, Nancy, France.[pdf]
[N1] I. Tkachenko, W. Puech, O. Strauss, J.M. Gaudin, C. Destruel, C. Guichard “Statistical Analysis for graphical elements recognition after Print-and-Scan process” (fr), CORESA 2013, November 2013, Le Creusot, France.


[T1] I. Tkachenko "Generation and analysis of graphical codes using textured patterns for printed document authentication", University of Montpellier, December 2015. [pdf]

Scientific dissemination

[S12] Presentation: "Can printable unclonable codes be copied? Evaluating the performance of attacks and highlighting the role of the detector", GdR Sécurité Informatique and GdR ISIS Meetings, online, June 2023.
[S11] Presentation: "Security of printed documents", GdR Sécurité and GdR ISIS Meetings, online, July 2021.
[S10] Research seminary: "Sécurisation des documents imprimés", École Centrale de Marseille , Marseille (France), April 2020.
[S9] Presentation: "Characterization of the rotogravure prinitng process", University of Jadavpur, Calcutta (India), November 2018.
[S8] Presentation: "Authentication of medicine blister foils: characterization of the rotogravure printing process", GdR ISIS Meeting, Paris (France), September 2018.
[S7] Presentation: "Challenges of hybrid document integrity check", GdR ISIS Meeting, Rennes (France), December 2017.
[S6] Poster presentation: "Content-based Hash for Document Integrity Check", WIFS 2017, Rennes (France), December 2017.
[S5] Presentation: "Sécurisation des documents hybrides", Journée de transition numérique eFutura, Paris (France), September 2017.
[S4] Research seminary: "Graphical codes for printed document authentication", Security and Privacy Lab, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck (Austria), March 2016.
[S3] Presentation: "Rich graphical codes for document authentication", Technicolor Los Altos Research Center (USA), February 2016.
[S2] Poster presentation: "Document protection using graphical codes", Summer School: SPCoding School – Coding and Information Theory, University Unicamp, Campinas (Brazil), January 2015.
[S1] Presentation: "Use of textured image for fighting against forged documents – Comparison between the use of original patterns and modeled patterns", GdR ISIS Meeting, Paris (France), November 2013.