Research interests

My research interests lie in the field of surface processing and surface analysis, in particular when the surfaces are represented as point clouds. It includes surface denoising, meshing, scan merging and surface segmentation. I am particularly interested in developing machine learning approaches for geometric data (see here for an example).

I started working on those topics during my PhD (2007-2010) with Jean-Michel Morel at CMLA (ENS Cachan), for which I received a PhD award from the Fondation Hadamard. I pursued on these topics at INRIA Sophia Antipolis (Geometrica team) with Pierre Alliez, David Cohen-Steiner and colleagues from Caltech (Mathieu Desbrun and Fernando deGoes) .

In October 2012, I joined the LIRIS (équipe GeoMod which is now merged into the Origami team) lab at Université Lyon 1, as a CNRS researcher.

I defended the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in September 2018 at Université Lyon 1.

I was promoted to Directrice de Recherche (Senior researcher) in October 2023

Research Projects

Ongoing projects

Former projects

Phd Students

  • Mattéo Clémot (co-supervised with J. Tierny, October 2023 - )

Former PhD Students

  • Olivier Pradelle (co-supervised with R. Chaine, September 2020 - March 2024) - now research engineer at Technodigit.
  • Steeven Janny (co-supervised with Madiha Nadri and Christian Wolf, September 2021 - January 2024), now researcher at Naver Labs.
  • Agathe Herrou (co-supervised with N. Bonneel, ANR Root, September 2018 - October 2022)
  • Beatrix Fulop-Balogh (co-supervised with Nicolas Bonneel, ANR PAPS, September 2017 - December 2021), now engineer at Bosch.
  • Tong Fu (co-supervised with Raphaëlle Chaine, ANR eRoma, November 2017 - July 2021), now engineer at Kitware.
  • Yohann Béarzi (co-supervised with Raphaëlle Chaine, ANR PAPS, September 2015 - November 2019), now engineer at Kitware (USA).
  • Maximilien Guislain PhD student in collaboration with Technodigit (October 2014 - October 2017), now engineer at Technodigit, PhD Thesis

Master Students

  • Camille Buonomo (INSA Rennes) April - August 2023 and February - February - August 2024
  • Mattéo Clémot (Master Info Fondamentale, ENS Lyon)
  • Nissim Maruani (Master MVA, ENS Paris Saclay) April - August 2022
  • Emile Hohnadel (co-supervised with N. Bonneel and B. Lévy) February - June 2020
  • Emile Ciuperca (co-supervised with N. Bonneel and F. Santambrogio) April - August 2020
  • Olivier Pradelle (co-supervised with Raphaëlle Chaine and David Coeurjolly) February - July 2019
  • Julien Lacombe (co-supervised with Nicolas Bonneel) February - July 2019
  • Martin Guy (co-supervised with Nicolas Bonneel and Jean-Claude Iehl) February - June 2018
  • Beatrix Fulop-Balogh (co-supervised with Nicolas Bonneel, ANR PAPS February - July 2017)
  • Agathe Herroux (co-supervised with Nicolas Bonneel) February - June 2017
  • Prisca Bonnet (co-supervised with Sébastien Valette and Raphaëlle Chaine), February - July 2015
  • Yohann Bearzi, February - July 2015
  • Thibault Dupont (co-supervised with Adrien Peytavie), February - July 2015
  • Azzouz Hamdi-Cherif, March 2014-July 2014