
Main courses

Whitin Telecommunication Departement of INSA de Lyon
  • 3° Year : 
  1. Coding & Modulation  3TC-TCM
  2. Mathematics for signals  3TC-MOST-MAS
  3. Telecomunication laboratory  3TC-TPS
  4. Signal Processing &  Architecture 3TC-TSA
  • 4° année :
  1. Speak & Image Processing  4TC-TIP
  2. Projet (Projet) 
  3. System of Quality in Industry (Cours/TD) 4TC-SQE
  • 5° année :
  1. Image Indexing (Cours)
  2. Video Coding (Cours)
  3. Image & Video Broadcasting (Course
Within the 2° year of INSA de Lyon
  1. Ouverture Thématique : Systemic Approach for Electronic


  • Head of final study Industrial Training of the Telecommunications Department stage 
  • Member of the Telecommunication Department Council
  • In charge of Cercle Passeport  at INSA de Lyon