Due to copyright concerns, most of my papers are not available online.
However, if you are interested by one of them, feel free to email
me, I
will send you a draft version and some slides.
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Previous Publications (before 2010)
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Other communications
M. Plantevit. Mining Sequential Patterns in Large Databases.
Prague, Czech Republic. Project Barrande 17379 «Fusion de données
hétérogènes pour la découverte de connaissances en génomique». October
M. Plantevit. Mining Multidimensional Sequential Patterns: From
Frequent To Unexpected Patterns. Project Stic Asia EXPEDO. Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. February 2008.
M. Plantevit. Extraction de Séquences Outliers dans des
Cubes de Données. Business Intelligence Lab. ENST, Paris, France.
January 2008.
M. Plantevit. Multidimensional Sequential Patterns: From
Multidimensionality to Hierarchy Management. project STIC ASIA
EXPEDO, avril 2007, Bali (Indonesia).
M. Plantevit. Motifs Séquentiels Multidimensionnels. GDR I3
- Groupe 3.4 - "Fouille de Données" (GDR I3), Paris, May 2005.