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others [2012/05/02 21:51]
mplantev created
others [2021/10/26 16:28] (current)
mplantev [Conference PC Membership]
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-====== PC Membership ======+====== Editorial Board Membership ====== 
 +  * [[ management & information retrieval/journal/10618|Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery]] since March 2019 
 +  * Dami and Mach ECMLPKDD journal since 2016 
 +====== Conference PC Membership ====== 
 +  * ECMLPKDD: 2022(JT), 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 
 +  * SIAM DM: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 
 +  * IDA: 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 
 +  * IEEE ICDM: 2021 
 +  * DSAA: 2021 
 +  * IJCAI: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2017, 2015, 2013 
 +  * EGC: 2022 (SPC), 2021 (SPC), 2020 (SPC), 2019 (SPC), 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 
 ====== Reviewers for journals ====== ====== Reviewers for journals ======
 +  *  [[ management & information retrieval/journal/10618|Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery]]
 +  * [[|Data Knowledge and Engineering International Journal]]
 +  * [[|IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering]]
 +  * [[|Information Systems]]
 +  * [[|International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems]]
 +  * [[ management & information retrieval/journal/10844|Journal of Intelligent Information Systems]]
 +  * [[|Revue des Sciences et Technologie de l’Information (TSI)]]
 +  * [[|Statistical Analysis and Data Mining]]
-====== Additional  reviewers ======+====== Additional reviewers ====== 
 +  * PAKDD'17 
 +  * ICDM'16, KDD'16,SIAM DM'16 
 +  * PAKDD'15, SIAM DM'15, ICDM'15 
 +  * PAKDD'14, SIAM DM'14 
 +  * KDD'13, PAKDD'13 
 +  * KDD'12, PAKDD'12, IEEE ICDM'12 
 +  * PAKDD'11, DS'11, IEEE ICDM'11, ECML PKDD'11 
 +  * EGC'10 
 +  * DaWaK’09, ISMIS’09, EGC'09 
 +  * IEEE ICDM'08, EGC'08 
 +  * BDA'07, EGC'07 
 +  * BDA'06, EGC'06 
 +  * Reviewer for Scalable Fuzzy Algorithms for Data Management and Analysis : Methods and Design edited by Anne Laurent and Marie-Jeanne Lesot
 ====== Organization ====== ====== Organization ======
 +  * Co-Animation of [[|GDR I3's days on Data Mining]].
 +  * International workshop on Mining Multidimensional Data (MMD’08) colocated with ECML/PKDD 2008. Antwerp, Belgium. September 2008.
 +  * Journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l’Analyse en ligne (EDA’09) (French Conference). Montpellier, France. June 2009. I was in charge of the submissions and the reviewing process.
 +====== Other (Charges Collectives) ======
 +  * Member of LIRIS PhD. Thesis Commission
 +  * Member of LIRIS Platform Commission
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others.1335988286.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/05/02 21:51 by mplantev

CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon