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Table of Contents

M1ENS -- DBDM -- DM Project

The goal of this project is to apply the concepts and the technologies previously seen. To this end, you have to choose a public (or personal) data set that has to be validated.

On the considered dataset, you have to either bring some insights according to an already given task (e.g., classification task) or define your self the general aims and discover some knowledge from the data (produce added value from the data). To this end, you can use any data mining/machine learning method as well as any algorithm or software (Knime, Sci-Kit Learn (Python), Web Api (Google, Bing, Yahoo, …)).


Datasets Possible Mining Task
Datasets available on the related aims or other ones, I have to valid your choice
Other datasets you want I have to valid your choice

<note important>The dataset and the main goals must be validated on April 4th, or by email. </note>


You have – using the different concepts seen during the lectures (but not uniquely) – produce added value from data (answer the a specific question, discover knowledge, …). You can use any tools/techno/algorithms.

You have to:

  • Write a report (pdf format) describing your work;
  • Give me an archive of your code;
  • Present your work on April 25th. (Details will follow)

<note important> The report, presentation and source code must be sent by email ( before 04/26/2016 (23h59) 1). </note>

<note important> You can work in group of maximum 3 persons.

  • Expected work = f(|group|) with f strictly increasing ;-).


If the archive is too big, provide a link to download it.
m1ens2016_project.1459782357.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/04 17:05 (external edit)

CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon