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This is an old revision of the document!


Due to copyright concerns, most of my papers are not available online. However, if you are interested by one of them, feel free to email me, I will send you a draft version and some slides.

The complete list of my publications is avalaible on the LIRIS information system.

You can also see DBLP server, Google Scholar.

Selected Publications

<note tip> A. Soulet, C. Raïssi, M. Plantevit, B. Cremilleux. Mining Dominant Patterns in the Sky. 11th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining - ICDM 2011, Vancouver, B.C: CANADA. pp. 655-664. 2011. </note>

<note tip> T. Nguyen, L. Cerf, M. Plantevit, J-F. Boulicaut. Multidimensional Association Rules in Boolean Tensors. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining - SDM'11, Phoenix, Arizona (USA). pp. 570-581. SIAM. 2011. </note>

<note tip> M. Plantevit, A. Laurent, D. Laurent, M. Teisseire, Y.W. Choong. Mining multidimensional and multilevel sequential patterns. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 4(1):1-37, ACM. 2010. </note>

<note tip> M. Plantevit, Y.W. Choong, A. Laurent, D. Laurent, M. Teisseire. M2SP: Mining Sequential Patterns Among Several Dimensions. ECML/PKDD 2005. pp. 205-216. Springer, 2005. </note>

publications.1335987205.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/05/02 21:33 by mplantev

CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon