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Table of Contents

Triggering Patterns of Topology Changes in Dynamic Graphs


To describe the dynamics taking place in networks that structurally change over time, we propose an approach to search for attributes whose value changes impact the topology of the graph. In several applications, it appears that the variations of a group of attributes are often followed by some structural changes in the graph that one may assume they generate. We formalize the triggering pattern discovery problem as a method jointly rooted in sequence mining and graph analysis. We apply our approach on three real-world dynamic graphs of different natures – a co-authoring network, an airline network, and a social bookmarking system – assessing the relevancy of the triggering pattern mining approach.


RITA1US domestic flights in September 2001220830Attributes, Graph, Vertex Mapping, Attribute Mapping
RITA2 US domestic flights two years around 09/11 234824 Attributes, Graph, Vertex Mapping, Attribute Mapping
RITA3Katrina Hurricane 28068 Attributes, Graph, Vertex Mapping, Attribute Mapping
DBLPCo-authorship network2723459 Attributes, graph, and mappings Social bookmarking network 18671215Attributes, graph and mappings
trigat.1381812888.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/15 06:54 by mplantev

CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon